Monday, April 29, 2024

Five Dollars and a Pork Chop Sandwich: Vote Buying and the Corruption of Democracy

Last week, after I published a piece about voter fraud, someone shared a comment suggesting I find the book Five Dollars and a Pork Chop Sandwich: Vote Buying and the Corruption of Democracy. Intriguing title. And I was able to find it in our public library so I could peruse it.

The book is a compelling exploration of a pervasive yet often overlooked aspect of electoral politics: vote buying. The author, Dr. Mary Frances Berry, is former chair of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Her aim was to delve into the historical roots, contemporary manifestations, and societal implications of vote buying in democratic societies. In other words, not just U.S. messiness but in other cultures as well.

Vote buying takes many forms including cash payments and material incentives to patronage networks and political favors. Whenever there's something at stake, you can be sure someone is devising ways to nudge outcomes in a favorable direction (for them).

The book's catchy title is especially meaningful if you are familiar with the concept of "Pork" in politics. "Pork barrel" is a metaphor for the practice of government spending on local projects in exchange for political support (i.e.: votes.) It's just one of many tools (like franking and gerrymandering) that politicians and political parties use to gain an edge in the next election.

As a result, the integrity of democratic institutions has been soiled.

One of the book's strengths lies in its nuanced examination of the complex dynamics that underpin vote buying, including the role of poverty, inequality, and political disenfranchisement. Berry challenges readers to confront the ethical dilemmas and moral compromises inherent in vote buying, while also acknowledging the socioeconomic realities that drive individuals to participate in such practices.

In chapter six she notes that one of the problems is that many people don't see vote buying as a crime. The people like the bennies. Sure, blatant handing out cash for votes is recognized as unethical, but what's wrong with promising new roads, fish fries, or jobs?

Five Dollars and a Pork Chop Sandwich is intended to serve as a timely call to action, urging policymakers, civil society organizations, and citizens to address the underlying root causes of vote buying and strengthen democratic governance. And though Berry 's intentions are good--offering practical suggestions for combating vote buying, including electoral reforms, anti-corruption measures, and efforts to empower marginalized communities--I don't have any real confidence that our politicians will do anything substantial to rectify this problem. Look at the manner in which politicial parties perpetually pander to their respective constituents. Promises, promises, promises. 

* * *

Related Links

Democracy's Achilles Heel: What Madison Right?
Ibsen's An Enemy of the People Questions the Validity of Democracy

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Bob Dylan's "Saving Grace" Offers Comfort in a Time of Need

"It gets discouraging at times, but I know I’ll make it By the saving grace that’s over me."--Bob Dylan

Over the course of years there have been countless lists generated with rankings of Dylan songs, Dylan album covers and Dylan albums. I suspect that there may even be lists (generated by fans who have seen 50 to 300 or more shows) ranking Dylan concerts. 

When if comes to albums, I don't think I've ever seen Dylan's Saved album get tagged in the top half of any list, and usually it's pushed as far from the front as possible. For example in this list by Ultimate Classic Rock, it is ranked third last behind Dylan (1973) and Self-Portrait (1970). I was in college those years and actually enjoyed Dylan's album of covers (Dylan),though I will concede it was different.  

Paste Magazine ranked Saved as the very worst of the worst, #39 of 39. Reviewer Matt Mitchell calls it the least inspired writing of Dylan's career—"not to mention the arrangements, which meld rock ‘n’ roll and gospel to a nauseating degree..." To Mitchell's credit he doesn't just toss all three albums from Dylan's Gospel Trilogy into the same trash bin outright. Shot of Love get a #27 rank and Slow Train Coming a #24, each of which have some great songs on them.

In 2022 Tom Rice, editor of the Chamblee High School newspaper Blue & Gold, ranked 33 Dylan albums, placing Saved one slot from the gutter, only ahead of Down in the Groove. I was impressed, however, by the thoughtful analysis and original approach Tom took here, an insightful and entertaining read. So cool to see another generation finding relevance in Dylan's decades-long catalog.

Now my personal take is that Saved has to be evaluated for what it is, not for what critics or fans want it to be. Essentially it is a heartfelt gospel album. The songs here are offered as a gift to gospel believers much like the hymns of old, giving voice to Biblical concepts and encouragement to faith. 

For a truly uplifting recording of Dylan's purest gospel songs check out the 2003 recording of Gotta Serve Somebody: The Gospel Songs of Bob Dylan featuring an array of Black gospel singers interpreting songs from Saved and Slow Train. Aaron Neville's version of "Saving Grace" is especially poignant. In fact, when I read the opening stanza of this song, I hear Aaron Neville's voice in my head, singing...

If you find it in Your heart, can I be forgiven?

Guess I owe You some kind of apology

I’ve escaped death so many times, I know I’m only living

By the saving grace that’s over me

* * * 

Out of curiosity, I decided to ask ChatGPT to write a brief review of the album Saved and here's what ChatGPT had to say:

Bob Dylan's "Saved" album, released in 1980, stands as a unique and often overlooked gem in his extensive discography. Amidst the controversy and mixed critical reception surrounding his previous Christian-themed album Slow Train Coming, Saved continues Dylan's exploration of his newfound faith with fervor and conviction.

The album opens with the spirited title track, setting the tone for what follows—a collection of gospel-infused songs that blend Dylan's signature poetic lyricism with soulful melodies and fervent vocal delivery. Tracks like "Covenant Woman" and "What Can I Do for You?" showcase Dylan's ability to weave biblical themes into deeply personal and introspective narratives, while "Solid Rock" and "Pressing On" exude an infectious energy and optimism.

One of the album's highlights is undoubtedly "In the Garden," a hauntingly beautiful ballad that reflects Dylan's spiritual journey with profound sincerity. With its ethereal atmosphere and poignant lyrics, it serves as a poignant meditation on faith and redemption.

While Saved may not have achieved the same commercial success as some of Dylan's other works, its significance lies in its raw honesty and unapologetic exploration of religious themes. Dylan's impassioned vocals and the album's soulful instrumentation create a powerful listening experience that resonates with believers and non-believers alike.

Overall, Saved stands as a testament to Bob Dylan's fearless artistic evolution and unwavering commitment to expressing his truth. It may not be considered one of his classic albums, but its spiritual depth and emotional resonance make it a compelling and underrated entry in Dylan's vast body of work.

* * * 
It's Personal
I've said more a hundred times that there is a Dylan line or lyric for nearly any situation. I wrote about this song today because ten days ago I had a stroke and the last line of this song, which I consider a gem, has accompanied me on this journey back toward health:
"It gets discouraging at times, but I know I’ll make it By the saving grace that’s over me."

EdNote: The word gospel is derived from the Anglo-Saxon term god-spell, meaning good story,” a rendering of the Latin evangelium and the Greek euangelion, meaning “good news” or “good telling.” --Britannica

Saving Grace


Saturday, April 27, 2024

Who Was Demosthenes and What Can We Learn from Him?

One of my favorite quotes comes from a story about the Greek orator Demosthenes.  David Ogilvy used it in the opening of his book Ogilvy on Advertising. "When Aeschines spoke, they said, 'How well he speaks.' But when Demosthenes spoke, they said, 'Let us march against Philip.'"

I loved this quote because as an ad man I shared Ogilvy's view. It's not about getting praised for your creativity. Rather, it's about moving people to action.

So who was Demosthenes? 

Demosthenes lived in the fourth century BC. He was born in Athens in 384 BC. His father was a wealthy businessman, and his mother was the daughter of a politician. He was a bright kid, but he was also sickly and frail. While growing up he was bullied by his classmates and suffered from a speech impediment.

Despite these challenges, Demosthenes was determined to become a great orator. He studied the speeches of previous public speakers and statesmen, and he practiced his own s
peeches in front of a mirror. He also went so far as to walk along the beach giving speeches with a mouthful of
pebbles in an effort to improve his enunciation.

"Let us march against Philip!"

The Philip in this quote was Philip of Macedon, a ruthless tyrant who had conquered much of Greece and was now threatening to invade Athens. In letters and speeches Demosthenes appealed to all Greeks to take the initiative and unite against Philip.

In a letter to Epicurus he wrote, I am writing to you because I believe that you can help me to unite Greece against Philip. You are a respected philosopher, and your words carry great weight. I urge you to use your influence to persuade the Greek states to unite against Philip.

The future of Greece hangs in the balance. If Philip is not stopped, he will conquer all of Greece, and our civilization will be destroyed. I urge you to help me to save Greece."

The stakes were high, so it was imperative for Greece to rise to the occasion.

The Takeaway
1) Demosthenes did not let his handicap or shortcomings hold him back. He had enough self-awareness to know that his speech impediment would have to be conquered if he were going to be an influential orator. He took the initiative and committed to doing whatever it would take to overcome this. What's been holding you back? What are you doing about it?

2) When Demosthenes spoke, his aim was to influence and move people to action. He was not speaking to garner praise for himself. Are you striving to make a difference or simply seeking attention (for your skills) and praise? 

* * * 

Friday, April 26, 2024

Flashback Friday: A Reflection on Formative Experiences

Life, in its fundamental essence, is a series of experiences. Fingertips pushing keys on a keyboard. Driving a car to work in the morning. Organizing photos on one's laptop. Talking to a friend on the telephone. Paying bills. Walking out to the mailbox to get the morning paper. Our days are filled with such ordinary things most of the time.

Then, there are the extraordinary moments, those unforgettable experiences outside the norm.

I was talking with my brother Don about my grandparents this morning. We were sharing memories, and it somehow came up how I used to talk with my grandmother for hours about mystical things like whether the Egyptians had been in contact with alien life (as evidenced by their remarkable understanding in the design of the Great pyramid) or whether psychokinesis is really possible. That is, can people bend metal simply by the power of their minds? Or levitate objects? The Russians were purportedly researching these things during the Cold War.

Don was a bit surprised by this side of my grandmother, and it became apparent that much of what I knew about my grandmother was not common knowledge. My grandmother had always been a highly intuitive person and read extensively along a wide range of interests that far exceeded what you might expect from a rural West Virginia housewife. This was all before the formative experience that gave birth to the following poem.

I'm not sure of the year but it was sometime in the early Sixties, an out of body experience. Without hallucinogenics. Rather, she'd had a stroke and while undergoing surgery left her body. For what she believes was a period of twenty minutes she hovered over the operating table, watching as doctors and nurses labored over her semi-lifeless body.

The Greek-Armenian mystic Gurdjieff once stated that our life experiences are like food. Some foods take more time than others to digest. My grandmother's long talks with me were an effort to process this experience she'd undergone.

So it is that some powerful experiences move us in deep places. The loss of a loved one. The unexpected death of a friend. A profound mountaintop experience. It is not only grief that takes many moons to process. Sometimes other kinds of experiences make such impact that people spend years seeking to better understand what happened to them.

The following is a poem which originally appeared in my grandmother's chapbook of poems titled Helping The Sun Grow. No mention here of the mystical, but a remarkably luminous and upbeat snapshot of that moment in time...

Aftermath Of A Stroke

Here I lie, tight packed as in my Mother's womb
I laid with restlessness a full lifetime ago.
But still entirely I, altho I have no room
To move about and at my will to come and go.
But now -- I wander, freely in my mind
The long road thru the crowding mists of time,
And pause in my journeying now and then
To live the happy times again
Made bright indeed by sunset's glow!

by Elizabeth Sandy

Eight days ago I had a stroke.Though not as debilitating as those experienced by many, it has been a challenge with many lessons. The above was originally published 1 August 2009.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

A Visit with Sue Dugan Moline, Author of The Lake Turned Upside Down

Because I was born in Cleveland and raised in New Jersey I'm routinely asked how I ended up in Minnesota. Answer: In 1976 I came to attend a Missionary Training Center in Bloomington called Bethany Fellowship. 

Sometime early in my freshman year I heard reference to a traumatic event that occurred several years earlier, a massive F4 tornado which took 15 lives, many of them part of the Bethany community.

When I learned about it, it surprised me at how little information there was. No one talked about it and most people are too polite to pry. We only knew it was something that happened and a lot of people were killed.

Somewhere along the way I learned a few bits and pieces. The story of how Pastor Brokke failed to make it to the cabin and his son lay on top of him became an almost legendary tale, as well as the manner in which the cabin was lifted from its foundation and thrown directly into the lake. The images were vivid and painful, but always in absence of context.

This year I finally had all my questions answered and my narrative corrected. The details had been compiled in a book by someone who was there, Sue Dugan Moline. For some reason I'd thought that the entire Bethany staff had gone to a lake up near Brainerd, like a summer retreat, and this deadly tornado struck. As it turns out, the outing involved only three Bethany families. (And the lake where they had gone was in Outing, MN, the center of the state and not the Northwest.

When I first learned of Sue Dugan Moline's book, I very much wanted to read it. Perhaps in part because I personally knew some of the survivors who experienced it. Though Sue's father was a popular teacher at the school, teaching classes on Homiletics and the Book of Acts, I can't recall him ever making a single reference to it. And although this event was long ago and far away, the book made it feel like yesterday. 
EN: The Lake Turned Upside Down is an incredible story of the fifth deadliest tornado in Minnesota history. How many people from Bethany or Bethany related people were there at Roosevelt Lake that day?

Sue Dugan Moline
28 people total were at the four Bethany cabins that week. At the time of the tornado there were 22 people on the property. Six had left shortly before the tornado. The 28 were either living at Bethany or were relatives of Bethany staff who had reserved the cabins.  
EN: What was the occasion that brought these three families there that week?

SDM: The cabins were available for Bethany staff member vacations for up to two weeks each summer. The Harold Carlson family was in Cabin #1 with two sons (Darrel and Dale) and his in-laws, Rev. Arthur and Minnie Olson.
The Dugan family had cabins #2 and #3, one reserved by my parents Toby and Vonnie Dugan, and one reserved by my grandma Edith Dugan with her youngest children Diane and Terry. The Dugans also had brought a Bethany pop-up camper for extra sleeping space. The two-week vacation was a Dugan family reunion with our out-of-state uncles and aunts staying with us -- Ken and Barb Dugan and sons (Ron and Don) from Canoga Park, California, and Rev. Dick and Priscilla Dugan and 3 kids (Sheila, Shane & Sharon) from Huron, SD.  18 of the 28 were Dugans. 
The last cabin was reserved by Rev. Harold and Cathy Brokke and their two sons, Dan and Paul.  
EN: 15 people were killed in the superstorm. How many died from the Bethany group?

SDM: Seven of the deaths occurred on the Bethany property, 12 total were killed in the Outing F4 tornado. The other three deaths occurred in other tornadoes that same day (The Northwoods Tornado Outbreak, as it is called by the NWS).  
EN: What prompted you to write this book?

Divers were called in to search the lake for bodies.
 Curiosity is what prompted me to start asking questions. I realized that I had a very limited memory of the event and always wondered what other survivors remembered. But I was a rather shy and self-conscious young person and did not find it easy to ask questions of other survivors. After both of my parents had died, I realized that if I didn't ask questions soon, there would be nobody left to ask or at least memories intact. At that point, five survivors had already died and Harold Carlson and Cathy Brokke were both in their 90s.  
Although I never intended to write a book, just the sheer volume of stories that I collected from survivors, first responders and people "up north" compelled me to document them.  I had become a "clearing house" of sorts for the August 6, 1969, tornado and people were very interested in the story. 
EN: What surprised you most when you began assembling all these stories?

Debris where one of the cabins had been.
SDM: I was surprised how willing everyone was to talk about their memories. I was also surprised by how interested the central Minnesota area was in the story and information I had collected. I think my story was covered by 7 different newspapers across northern Minnesota and many people responded to me with their individual memories via phone calls and emails.
EN: You shared that people chose not to talk about what happened that tragic day. How would have things been different had these stories been shared in the years that followed? I’m thinking of the 70s.

SDM: I have not thought about that. My book might have been longer, or perhaps I would not have written it. I do wish I could have interviewed my parents, my two uncles, and Pastor Brokke. The story would have been more complete. My uncle Dick Dugan did write an article or two after the event and the death of his daughter Sharon. And Dan Brokke wrote an article for a youth magazine. So they were comfortable sharing their stories. 
But 45 years later when I met with Bethany classmates for breakfast at Perkins (every 2-3 months), I asked them if they had ever heard the story and they had not. They knew a few details, but we did not talk about it as classmates. I think part of that era was politeness in not bringing up painful issues. In the long run, talking about it was very therapeutic and filled in so many details for our children and grandchildren. 

EN: There were four cabins that the families were staying at. When the tornado suddenly came, most of the people attempted to gather in the one cabin. Why that one? How many were in the cabin when it was lifted up and tossed into the lake? Where was everyone else?

SDM: Cabin #3 was at the bottom of a very, very steep hill. Both cabins #1 and #2 were at the top of the hill, high above the lake. People were taught to run to the lowest area in a storm or tornado. Because of that my Grandma Dugan and family from cabin #1 ran down the hill to our cabin because it was low-lying, right at lake level.  The Brokke's ran over from cabin #4 -- probably mostly to warn us that they had seen a tornado. Their cabin was furthest west and the tornado was coming from the west.  Two of them stayed in cabin #3 (Cathy & Paul), but Pastor Brokke and Dan stayed outside and hit the ground. 
EN: Was there any “safe place” there? We have over 10,000 lakes in Minnesota with cabins around them. Can something like this happen again and how can people prepare, to avoid a similar outcome?

 There was no safe place on the property. Being thrown into the lake actually saved lives. If we had more notice, we probably would have headed up the hill to cabin #1, the older original cabin that did have a walkout basement facing west. We all would have died. That cabin was also completely destroyed and only 9 cement blocks remained intact in the walkout basement. Evy Carlson and her parents, Rev. Arthur and Minnie Olson, were violently killed. We don't know where they were when the tornado hit -- perhaps trying to get down to that walkout basement via an outside stairway, but they were all killed.  
Some people now will build "safe rooms" in their cabins where the high water table will not allow a basement. My daughter and son-in-law built a lake home in Crosslake and we have a "safe room" between the home and garage, totally encased in cement. As well, communication via cell phones allows people to follow the weather and radar. In 1969, there were no civil defense sirens in the town of Outing, Minnesota.

Related Links
Purchase the book Here on Amazon.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

2024 Films-On-Music Series at The West Theatre

This coming weekend--April 19-25--the West Theater here in Duluth is hosting a mini film fest featuring films showcasing music. Here's the schedule, with film summaries below. Which ones will you go to see?

Click to enlarge

It Might Get Loud

Davis Guggenheim USA 2008 Documentary -- 98 mins

“It Might Get Loud” is a 2008 American documentary film by filmmaker Davis Guggenheim. The film explores the careers and musical styles of three prominent rock guitarists: Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin, The Edge of U2, and Jack White of The White Stripes. It reveals how each developed his unique sound and style of playing favorite instruments, guitars both found and invented. The film revolves around a day when Jimmy Page, Jack White, and The Edge first met and sat down together to share their stories, teach, and play.

Best viewed in the theater.

Velvet Goldmine 

Todd Haynes USA 1998 Drama -- 118 Mins

"Velvet Goldmine" is a 1998 musical drama film directed by Todd Haynes. Set in Britain during the glam rock days of the early 1970s, it tells the story of a fictional bisexual pop star named Brian Slade, who faked his own death. The film uses non-linear storytelling to achieve exposition while interweaving the vignettes of its various characters.

Best viewed in the theater.

Stop Making Sense

Jonathan Demme USA Documentary 1984 -- 88 mins

Considered by critics as the greatest concert film of all time, the live performance was shot over the course of three nights at Hollywood's Pantages Theater in December of 1983 and features Talking Heads' most memorable songs. Newly restored in 4K to coincide with its 40th anniversary, the 1984 film was directed by renowned filmmaker Jonathan Demme.

Best viewed in the theater.

Joan Baez: I Am A Noise

Directors Miri Navasky | Maeve O'Boyle | Karen O'Connor, USA 2023 -- 113 mins

At the end of a 60-year career, legendary singer and activist Joan Baez takes an honest look back and a deep look inward as she tries to make sense of her large, history-making life, and the personal struggles she's kept private.

Neither a conventional biopic nor a traditional concert film, JOAN BAEZ I AM A NOISE is a raw and intimate portrait of the legendary folk singer and activist that shifts back and forth through time as it follows Joan on her final tour and delves into her extraordinary archive, including newly discovered home movies, diaries, artwork, therapy tapes, and audio recordings. Baez is remarkably revealing about her life on and off stage - from her lifelong emotional struggles to her civil rights work with MLK and a heartbreaking romance with a young Bob Dylan. A searingly honest look at a living legend, this film is a compelling and deeply personal exploration of an iconic artist who has never told the full truth of her life, as she experienced it, until now.

Finding Her Beat

Directors: Dawn Mikkelson | Keri Pickett USA 2022 -- 89 minutes

For thousands of years women have been locked out of Taiko drumming. Not anymore. In the dead of a Minnesota winter, Asian drumming divas smash gender roles and redefine power on their own terms. FINDING HER BEAT dives into the rhythms and struggles that lead to an electrifying historic performance that changes everything.

Jay’s Longhorn

Director: Mark Engebretson USA 2019 -- 93 minutes

Before First Avenue there was Jay's Longhorn - the epicenter of the Minneapolis punk rock and indie rock scene in the late 1970s. At a time when the music scene was dominated by Top 40 cover bands, a group of punk rock visionaries - led by Andy Schwartz, former publisher of the New York Rocker -- scoured the city in search of a place that would welcome the New Wave. The Suicide Commandos, Flamingo, Curtiss A, the Suburbs, and NNB found a home at Jay's Longhorn -- which also served as the launching pad for Hüsker Dü and the Replacements and the preferred venue for touring acts like Elvis Costello, The B-52s, and The Police. 

Meeting Charlie Parr

Directors: Francois Xavier Dubois & Charles Dubois, France 2013 -- 70 Mins

Meeting Charlie Parr is a musical journey through the Midwest that meets one its most emblematic folk singers. In the Great Lakes forests, through the Minnesota plains, on stage or at home, we get to know Charlie Parr, an endearing and unique artist. Meeting after meeting, Charlie talks about his authentic blues music and what it says about America.


Big "Shout Out" to Bob Boone at The Reader and Richard Hansen of the DuSu Film Festival.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Get Ready to Celebrate National Record Store Day at the New Globe News in Superior

On April 20 Globe News in Superior will be celebrating "Record Store Day." The annual Record Store Day, which occurs on the third Saturday in April, is an international event celebrated by independent record stores and music enthusiasts. It aims to promote and celebrate the culture of independently owned record stores and vinyl records.

During Record Store Day, participating stores often offer special vinyl releases, exclusive merchandise, and live performances to attract customers and highlight the importance of supporting local record stores. It's a day where music lovers come together to celebrate their passion for physical music formats and the unique experience of browsing through records in a brick-and-mortar store.

The first "National Record Store Day" took place in 2007. To learn more about this event I caught up with the new owner of Globe News, Jon Fritsche. 

EN: How did you learn about National Record Store Day? How did you get involved in this?

Jon Fritsche: I learned about it from my predecessor Tom when we discussed some of the biggest events Globe News was a part of before I took ownership of it. We work with a great vendor to get exclusive record items for my passionate vinyl fans. 

EN: What motivated you to take ownership of Superior's Globe News?

JF: Two words: Legacy and Community. I wanted to continue on the great atmosphere that Tom had created at Globe News throughout the years. Most of us didn’t go to Globe just for the products, but also for the friendships we made with and through Tom. So I took that feeling that I had as a customer visiting and continued to build on the community by adding a common space for us gamers and redoing the entire records and comics areas to better suit our guest’s needs. I’m proud of where we’ve gotten in just over a year, and get excited to see where we can continue to grow this over the next few years. 

EN: Does entrepreneurship run in your family? Were your parents or other relatives business owners?  If so, where? 

Facebook QR Code for Globe News
JF: It did when I got married to my wife Beth. But previously growing up no, I had no entrepreneurs on my side of the family. Her folks are both business owners and through their guidance and support Beth and I were able to create a wonderful life of entrepreneurship for ourselves. We currently own and operate four restaurants, albeit she does 100% of the operations in them now that I’m in Globe News full time. We also own residential rental properties with her siblings along with now owning our first commercial property, the New Jersey building in Superior aka the Globe News building. We also have partners for our restaurants and Globe News that have been along this journey with us and I couldn’t say enough great things about them as well. 

EN: You seem pretty passionate about what you are doing here. What is it that gets you most jazzed about what you're creating?

New game room has been a "go to" for gamers.
JF: 100% the community and the connections I help create. I love knowing a majority of my clientele by name and knowing what they like or come in to Globe News for. I would say hands down, the best days are the ones when I have folks who haven’t seen how Globe has changed walk through that door and have that “wooow” moment. Then I get to meet someone new and create that bond that allows me to help a fellow gamer or collector continue to find the things they’re passionate about. 

EN: What is it about collectibles--whether cards, games, comics, etc.--so invigorating for people?

JF: I think it’s the chase factor mixed with the fear of missing out. Thats what makes collecting so fun. Competition helps drives the games, completion and enjoyment for comics and records is what I what would also add to that.