Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Putting an Idea to the Test

Was very down yesterday. Intolerably sluggish until last evening as I finally got clicking on two novel/story plots. Why I want to write I do not know but it is something I seem to be pursuing. The inner battles are first, of course. "Is this really something I ought to be spending my time with?" Somehow I feel it plays right into my gifts (imagination) and a novel gives one opportunity to present a comprehensive world view -- that can be rooted in reality. Jeanne Kirkpatrick states that theories must flow out of experience or be tested by it lest they become utopian fantasies. Brave New World puts one utopian dream to the test and reveals the ugliness of it. Perhaps a weakness of much Christian doctrine is this same lack of Rootedness (in reality).
Aug. 29, 1985

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