Monday, July 2, 2007

On Time

Is time a "reality" -- something that exists -- or is it only a perception?
Existence outside our selves, perceived by our experience of duration.... the assembled memories from a sequence of events. We do not create time. We experience events in time, in the framework known as time.

Why this line of thought this a.m.? I had the notion of wondering whether time was a man-created, mind-created phenomenon. It seemed as if memory aided us in the creation of time. But in truth, memory helps us maintain our internal clock, to keep us in sync with time, which ratchets ever forward in its course.

God Himself was the first to break time into pieces, by creating days and nights. Night, and sleep, are truly blessings... providing relief from the unwearying walk of time.

Time can be one of life's great trials. It seems we are always waiting for something. This, too, makes us tired.
July 5, 1996

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