Saturday, August 11, 2007

Reading Good Writers

To read a writer is for me not merely to get an idea of what he says, but to go off with him and travel in his company. ~ Andre Gide

Have you noticed that animals usually do not have a very large vocabulary? It is probably why we sometimes find them so comforting. We share our problems and they don't jump in and offer solutions.

Unfortunately, it's not very easy to figure out what they are thinkings (except our dog Hobo who seems to continuously either think about food or "What can I bark at next?")

Our favorite writers, on the other hand, offer us words in abundance. And when we read their books and enjoy their company, our favorite authors become good, lifelong companions. We enjoy being with them as they make us think, make us laugh, and at times make us cry.

Writers especially love to read the writings of other good writers (The Classics) because they challenge us to improve in our own efforts as scribes. How did he create that effect? How in the world did he create so much tension with such simple language? Can I ever come close to painting such a vivid scene?

Whether he come away inspired or challenged, the best writers seldom disappoint us.

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