Friday, January 25, 2008


One of the basic principles of marketing success is momentum. I think here, for example, of a giant concrete wheel with a tiny handle. To get the wheel turning takes a great effort. At first, it takes all your strength to simply get it to budge. But then, once you get it started, it takes less effort with each revolution until it seems to have a life of its own. To keep it spinning at a high velocity then requires a minimal effort on your part. You can't neglect it, of course, because it will eventually slow to a stop and you are back to where you started.

Well, companies have momentum, too. As do careers. It seems to take an inordinate amount of energy to get a brand established. The power and value that accrues can become startling to the one who initially invested so much to get that wheel turning.

In baseball and football, professionals understand the psychological power of momentum. In baseball, a series of base hits can do more to damage the competition than a home run. The thrill of the rally ripples through the whole stadium. Likewise in football, the ability to assemble long drives is much more devastating than a chance long ball touchdown pass. Those drives show dominance, and instill respect.

Is your life moving in a direction? Are you building momentum? If you know what you are about, don't let you energies be diverted. If you have become distracted and gotten off course, step back and re-center. The future is in your hands.

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