Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I stood on the balcony listening to the quiet, the placid lake rejuvenating my depleted energy.

Out of the silence I heard voices.

Strange. There were no people here. Trees, brush, flowers, a lawn, the lake, the overcast sky. Then, all was explained as the kayaks emerged from 'round the bend, sloshing leisurely by, the kayakers engaged in an easygoing conversation.

In the midst of the stillness it seemed shouting to me, but was surely nothing louder than a coffee table chat.

The episode quickly passed.


  1. I lay in bed, rejuvenating my depleted energy, with only the sound of my own snoring to break the early morning silence.
    Entirely separate from the familiar and vaguely comforting sound of wood being sawed, I heard some loud scratching sounds on the corrugated steel roof.
    "It's sparrows walking around up there", I dreamily thought to myself. "The sun must be coming up."
    I heard some twittering and angry-sounding cheeps amongst the scratching sounds. This confirmed my suspicion that there were sparrows on my roof, fighting over what kind of worm, I could not imagine.
    Then I heard human voices.
    Strange. Are there humans up on my roof? I started from my half-sleepful state, and looked up straight up above me.
    All I could see was the already-warming, metallic, though not-very-shiny, cobweb-covered, inside surface of the corrugated steel roof. Since I have no ceiling, this was in plain unobstructed sight, just feet above me, shielding me from the sun's glare, as it sometimes shields me from the rain's dropping (and those of the sparrows, come to think of it).
    Were the human voices coming from up there?
    I curiously crawled out of bed, opened the door to my hut, and looked out -- to see that the humans were in front of my hut in the lane (right smack in the middle of it, actually), and not up on the roof as I'd originally suspected.
    The sparrows flew off.
    I plugged in the coffee pot.
