Thursday, June 11, 2009

Twitter Stats: How Do You Measure Up?

It's self-evident that if you actually have a real life you can't possibly live in all these virtual networks simultaneously, though there are some who have been making a pretty good effort of it. Yesterday I read an article about as woman who killed a motorcyclist because she was doing her nails while driving her car. I'm sure that it won't be long before we have a similar incident with a Tweeter. "Heading to BB to pick up // OMG / just hit a motorcycle" from Twitterberry

In the Web 2.0 world, Twitter has been the hot topic this past six months or more. Do you Tweet?

HubSpot, an Internet marketing firm, did a study of Twitter users to see who we were.

- 55 percent have never posted a message, or tweet
- 56 percent aren't following anyone
- 53 percent have no followers

Supposedly these are surprising numbers. But heck, it's what I've said about the CB Radio craze. Some folks just jump in to see what the buzz is all about. And either (a) they don't stick around to "get it" or (b) it wasn't for them in the first place.

Fads come and go. The difference between eating goldfish and Twitter is that swallowing goldfish serves no real purpose. (It could be argued that "Carrying my laundry downstairs" from Twitterfeed serves no purpose, too.)

Here are a few other stats from the article so that you can see how you stack up against the rest of us.
- Average number of tweets per day: 1
- Average number of posts (total) per user: 119

I myself enjoy the randomness of the quotes. A lot of upbeat people, interesting quotes and links shared, etc. I also like that it takes less time than Facebook... easy in and easy out. If you are not part of the Twitter scene, don't feel bad about it. You really can't be everywhere.

But... if you wish to follow me on Twitter, I'm right here. Though my next note might be from the Twilight Zone.

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