Sunday, January 3, 2010

San Francisco Street Art

Over Christmas Susie and I flew to California to see our kids who are currently living in Santa Rosa. We spent four days there before heading down to The City to spend a couple days in San Francisco. It really is a unique city.

Years ago, when we lived at the top of Duluth's Central Hillside, I came home from work one day to find an artist seated in front of an easel painting a landscape through the trees there. He was from Hungary I believe, and I asked what he was doing there. He said Duluth was one fo the three most beautiful cities in the world for artists because of the way the city steeply sloped to a body of water and how the light played off that setting. The other two cities were one in Switzerland and, of course, San Francisco.
Perhaps the beauty of the setting is what attracted so many artists, for there is art everywhere here. It seemed fitting to share a few of the images that I discovered on the walls and in the streets of San Francisco last weekend. This first was taken from a sidewalk while looking up at the corner of Sixth and Howard.