Thursday, July 25, 2013

Let's Take a Look at the Numbers

A miscellaneous collection of random numerical facts for the 206th day of the 2013.

667 ~Number of tornadoes in U.S. this year so far, as of July 23… Fewest since 2004.

31.2 ~Number of iPhones Apple sold in the last quarter (in millions).

14.6 ~Number of iPads sold in the same period (in millions).

45,734 ~Number of people named John Smith in U.S.

178,710 ~Number of people in the United States with the first name of Leon.

67 ~Number of people in the United States with the name Leon Newman.*

316,300,286 ~Number of people in United States, July 2013.

2.1 ~Fertility rate of American women.

37 ~Number of years till we reach a U.S. population of 400 million (current guesstimate).

9 ~Number of symphonies Ludwig van Beethoven wrote.

41-45 ~Number of symphonies Mozart wrote, depending on which were his own or incorrectly attributed to him.

35 ~Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s age when he died.

56 ~The age at which Beethoven finished his life.

97 ~The age at which Great Grandpa Newman passed away.

0 ~The number of symphonies Great Grandpa Newman wrote.

47 ~The numeral between 46 and 48, the 15th prime number.

151 ~The total number of home runs hit by the National League in 1903.

158 ~Total number of home runs hit by the 1927 New York Yankees.

264 ~Total number of home runs hit by 1997 Seattle Mariners, current MLB team record for home runs hit in a single season.

150 ~Number of psalms in the Book of Psalms.

3500 ~Number of distinct species of mosquitoes.

0 ~Number of people in Minnesota who are fond of mosquitoes.

10,800 ~Temperature at the earth’s core, Fahrenheit.

27 ~The age at which Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison and Kurt Cobain left this mortal, material realm.

½ ~The number of times Dr. Francis Schaeffer smiled during his ten-hour film series “How Should We Then Live?”

9 ~The number of Tall Ships that are slated to be strutting their stuff in Duluth Harbor this weekend.


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