Monday, March 24, 2014

For the Birds: Ravens and Crows at the Zeitgeist

Rain! Rain! by Jan Wise
"Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary..." ~Edgar Allen Poe

On Saturday the Twin Ports Arts Align met for an all day working session to assess where the group has been and what the vision should look like for the future. And like all manner of volunteer organizations, it was a time to reset the lead horses for the next leg of the journey. (A hundred thank yous to Crystal Pelkey and Bill Payne for their leadership efforts on behalf of the Twin Ports community.)

Afterwards those who were able gathered at the Zeitgeist Atrium for a mixer. Though I was not part of Saturday's assembly I did wish to learn how things unfolded and slipped over for the mixer. Arriving early I had the opportunity to peruse the current display of artwork in the cafe. 

At least six artists were represented. (There may have been more as I did not read every tag.) As I'm not sure how much longer it will be up, you should check it out this week if you are downtown. 

The Zeitgeist is another great venue for seeing local artists. Here are some of the paintings I saw, along with a sculpture by Karen Monson. Who doesn't like birds? O.K., maybe if you have a pair of crows who decided to nest near your window one summer, you may have been annoyed with them for a season. On the other hand, there are quite a few of us who have photographed or painted blackbirds at one time or another, including myself

Right at the bottom of the stairs are a pair of pieces by Penny Perry (Rook Makes A Move) and Ann Klefstad (Road Bird.) The latter is a painting of a bird on a plane of wood utilizing the natural grain of the wood to serve as an abstract field of color, breaking up the background so that the image pops forward. 

It appeared to me that the largest quantity of pictures came from the studio of Jan Wise, as well as the widest variety of treatments. Some were straight up paintings of our feathered friends, and others, like this one titled "Raven Clan", applied a different approach to the theme.

Raven Clan by Wise
Mary Beth Downs also had work on display. Her picture titled "The Gathering" reminded me a little of Teresa Kolar's birds. It's whimsical, and probably would make a nice gift for someone who needs something fresh for a newly painted wall.

Thank you to the Zeitgeist for sharing your own walls with local artists. Thank you to the artists for sharing their work with the public, and dressing up our public spaces. 

Just yesterday I saw a pair of enormous crows glistening in the bright sun. They, too, are looking forward to spring, have returned to let us know it's time.

Crow by Karen Monson
Have a great week. Make art... or enjoy it while you can.

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