Saturday, June 13, 2015

Goin' Postal Summer Art Show Is Next Friday

What did you do last night? I finished this painting of Bob Dylan based on the cover photo from Blonde On Blonde. It will be displayed at the Goin' Postal Summer Art Show next week.

Many of the usual suspects will be sharing new work, and a number of new faces will again be on hand. You can find a list of artists who will have work on display by visiting the Facebook Event page. The food is always good, as is the music. I believe Mark Anderson will be back as well as Theft By Swindle. Could be we get a visit from Revolution Jones. Vamos a ver.

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Frequently I am asked what Dylan's best album is or what my favorite Dylan album is. Many people consider Blonde On Blonde to be worthy of this stature. It was the third of his trilogy of ground-breaking albums that altered the music world.

You can read more about this album -- its background, history and signficance -- on Wikipedia. 

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