Friday, June 19, 2015

Local Art Scene: Things To See, Places To Be

A couple visual arts events are slated for tonight in the Twin Ports. On the Duluth side of the bridge you may enjoy stopping in at Studio 15 to see Emily Hayes' closing reception, which begins at 6:00 p.m. Hayes is a young traveling artist whose work has been on display there these past couple months. The paintings she has on display were created between Montana and Minnesota.

I would be there, except I have to be here:

Goin' Postal 2015 Summer Art Show
The Goin' Postal art shows have become an annual mainstay over in Superior. Usually held spring and fall, scheduling conflicts pushed this one back a couple months. More time for the artists to produce new work, and new work a-plenty will be on display tonight. Andy Perfetti pushes his contributors to bring in their latest. He's not interested in getting bored with the same old same old.

More than 20 artists are participating in tonight's show, some for the first time, though there are also plenty of the usual suspects such as John Heino, Dusty Keliin, Becky Buchanan, and Jeredt Runions. I will also have some new work on the walls.

There's also music and an always lively, lovely afterparty.

The 2015 Summer Art Show also starts at 6:00 p.m. You can find it adjacent to the tracks at 816 Tower Avenue. Hoping to see you there.

Don't forget Wanda's Excellent Plant Sale.  I shared a few photos Wednesday. For best results park out front and walk to the back.

Last night was the opening reception for the MN Comics show in the Morrison Gallery at the Duluth Art Institute. What an impressive array of talent we have here in Minnesota, many right in our back yard. I'm referring to comic books, not stand up comics, though we have those, too. If you get a chance visit the DAI sometime soon. There will also be a pair of gallery talks, the first of August 4 at 5:30 with Kate Vo Thi. The second will be at noon August 21, by David Beard and Tim Broman.

Meantime, art goes on all around you.  Come out tonight and enjoy it.

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