Monday, June 26, 2017

Trending On Twitter: #MondayMotivation

Writing is in my DNA. When I look back on my life I see that I started a newsletter for nearly every organization, group or club that I was part of. The chess club, history club, even our bowling league in high school -- I saw a need for communication, and produced a primitive form of a newsletter, mimeographed in those days before copiers. I used my art/design skills and would come up with a cartoon for each issue as well as write summaries of the key events of the previous week.

In 1982, when I returned to the Twin Cities from a year in Mexico, I obtained temporary employment painting apartments till I sorted out what I wanted to do with my life. I'm not sure how it happened, but before long I was producing a one page newsletter as I had in high school, called the New Monday Memo. The owner of this loose association of painters, Terry O, liked the idea and the NMM became a useful communication vehicle. He came up with the name and wanted it written in an upbeat manner for the purpose of countering the prevailing drabness associated with going back to work on Monday.

It was a great concept. A shot in the arm. Fresh juice to start the week off on the right foot, to give one a lift.

Fast forward. 

One of the Twitter features that I like is the Trends list that runs alongside your Twitter feed. It's useful for identifying key stories or breaking news based on what people are talking about. It's how I learned about the Mumbai massacre before CNN or the local news outlets.

On Mondays one of the trending topics nearly every week happens to be Monday Motivation, or rather, #MondayMotivation with the hashtag. It's a social media phenomenon that shows our little team of room painters were on to something. A little uplift on Monday mornings can really help put wind under your wings as you soar into a new week.

Here ar a few gems from my Twitter fee this a.m.:

--Your Attitude Determines Your Direction

--Let your smile change the world.
Don't let the world dampen your smile.

--The only way to win with a toxic person is not to play.

--Setting goals takes Desire
But completing them takes Determination.

--Don't Make Excuses, Make Changes.

--Get out of your comfort zone and step into your great self.

You get the picture. Whether heading back to the office or the factory, to the fields or to knock on doors, if you need a lift check out the MondayMotivation hashtag on Twitter.

Have a truly great week. Thanks for checking in. 

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