Monday, September 4, 2017

Monday Motivaton: It's Motivational!

If you've followed this blog for any length of time you'll know that I like Twitter. I find it to be a tool that is easy to use and informative.

Last week I heard someone say that because of President Trump's affinity for Twitter that they, and purportedly many others, would not use Twitter any more. This seems strange to me. If you do not follow the @POTUS then his tweets will not show up on your twitter feed. It would be like complaining about the person across the street dancing around naked in their house, but not really being able to see anything unless you stand on the sofa and use binoculars.

Are we going to stop eating Lay's Potato Chips because it's his fave snack food?

For what it's worth, I like Twitter, and found it useful long before @realDonaldTrump danced into the political limelight.

* * * *
If you're the kind of person who likes motivational books (or used to read them until they all started sounding alike or made you feel guilty because living the lessons is never quite as easy as reading them,) well, the insights are still valuable and often true to a certain extent. They won't be moth-eaten any time soon. And if you happen to have a Twitter account, every Monday you can find a whole lot of inspirational uplift by following hashtag #MondayMotivation.

Here's a smattering of statements, sayings, sage advice and insights that I pulled from today's Twitter feed. I find many of them thought-provoking.

--Do not regret growing older. It's a privilege denied to many.

--In a perfect world, you can take everyone with you to your next level. Guess what--the world ain't perfect! Move on!

--Being positive in a negative situation is not naive. It's leadership.

--If you take responsibility for yourself, you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams :)

--Every struggle makes us stronger, difficulty makes us grow, & painful experience gives us endurance. Trust the process.

--When things aren't working out as you wish, be patient. Stop trying to move ahead of God. His timing is perfect.

--Surround yourself with winners. The people you spend your time with have a major influence on your results in life.

--Good habits are HARD to form but EASY to live with👍🏼  Bad habits are EASY to form but HARD to live with👎🏼

--Do not regret growing older. It's a privilege denied to many. (EdNote: I liked this one so much I had to repeat it.)

--Good advice is always certain to be ignored, but that's no reason not to give it!

--The Past is your lesson. The Present is your gift. The Future is your motivation.

"Nobody can teach me who I am. Who I am is something I need to find out myself."
~ Chinua Achebe

* * * *
This last quote here just happened to resonate with a message that was shared with me yesterday that had appeared on Medium (an online publishing platform) by Z.K. Royer titled Choosing to be you, only you. The subhead for this article reads, "For many of us, there is one difficult, complicated, monumental enterprise that we undertake in this life: the act of being ourselves."

Here's an interesting bit of Trivia: The founder of Medium, Evan Williams, was previously a co-founder of Blogger (which I am using here), and co-founder of Twitter. Born in 1972, his creative explorations in the realm of social media have proven exceedingly influential. And to think, he's only just begun.

Much more could be said, but I think it's time to start my day. I hope that in some way you've been motivated as well. Make your week a great one.

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