Friday, January 3, 2020

Zero to Hero Workshop Designed to Help Local Businesses Achieve Greater Success in the Digital Marketing Arena

"Hero" photo by Ben White on Unsplash
They're calling it "From Zero to Marketing Hero." Their promise is to provide tools and strategies that will help attendees grow their businesses in 2020. The event is slated for January 16 at Glensheen Mansion

Organizers include Molly Solberg, founder and host of the popular Social Media Breakfast Twin Ports, Michael Smišek, owner of šek Design and the DLH clothing brand, Jane Pederson, Marketing Manager at Glensheen mansion, Meg Thoreson, Owner of Solon Springs Mercantile who has advised hundreds of entrepreneurs in dozens of industries, and lead organizer Daisy Quaker, former Digital Marketing Manager at AMSOIL

"There is more content online than ever before," says Ms. Quaker. "Your business is not just competing with the shop next door. It's competing with every business in the world that offers similar products or services."

Social media has been around more than a dozen years, and the Internet 25, and digital content is expanding at a pace that makes your head spin.

Strategies and techniques covered will include customer profiling, messaging, Design, and basics to running their Facebook Ads successfully.

"The web and social channels are overrun with ads from bigger companies that have a lot more resources than a small business may have," Ms. Quaker explains. "A business that wants to capture and hold attention has to stand out and connect effectively with their potential customers."

Jane Pederson
One objective of the workshop will be to walk participants through everything from strategy to execution, pulled from their experiences running digital marketing campaigns.

Attendees will learn tactics that can make their business more competitive online. Strategies and techniques covered will include customer profiling, messaging, design, and the basics of running successful Facebook ad campaigns.

"If you have attended other marketing training events in the past," states Molly Solberg, "and walked away frustrated that you didn't get enough actionable guidance, this workshop is for you. You will leave knowing how to plan and build a successful marketing campaign that connects with your audience and achieves your business goals."

Meg Thoreson
It's a half day workshop with limited seating. If interested in attending sign up at

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Google is responsible for 96% of all smartphone search traffic, and 94% of total organic traffic.

Two seconds is all companies get when it comes to website load time. Anything longer increases bounce rates by 50%.  HOW DOES YOUR WEBSITE STACK UP?

Michael Michael Smišek 
11. 82% of searchers will use their phone to help them make a decision about an in-store purchase. IS YOUR WEBSITE OPTIMIZED FOR SMARTPHONES?

81% of millennials are checking Twitter at least once a day. The average amount of search queries Twitter receives a day is two billion. DO YOU HAVE A TWITTER STRATEGY?

40% of all mobile users are searching for a local business or interest.

73% of people describe ads taking over the entire screen as ‘highly annoying.’

Molly Solberg
Content marketing gets three times more leads than paid search advertising.

38% of marketers are publishing content at least once a week.

Only 30% of marketers say their content strategy is effective.

The top three content marketing tactics are blogging (65%), social media (64%), and case studies (64%).

Using the words ‘thank you’ in a subject line will net higher-than-average open rates.

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Thank you for being a follower of Ennyman's Territory. 

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