Sunday, February 9, 2020

Coronavirus Update: What's the Latest?

What's true?
February 8. Here (above) are two adjacent tweets. 
One tweet states that 725 have died and there are near 35,000 cases.
The next says over 50,000 have died and 1.5 million are stricken.

Videos have been posted showing what are allegedly Chinese government workers 
welding doors shut at apartment buildings where people inside 
have the virus.

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Gallows Humor (Optional)
On the bright side, if the coronavirus is going to wipe out the human race this year, 
I won't have to worry so much about my diet, cholesterol and triglycerides now.

According to The Navy Times, the number of cases 
as of 2 days ago is 34,500, not 1.5 million.
According to Al Jazeera the number of actual instances of the disease 
is smaller, not larger.

So who is spreading the disinformation? What is their vested interest?
Are they simply malicious? Or does fear travel faster than reason?


According to New Scientist, developing a new vaccine for a new virus 
takes at least a year. So don't fall for promises that you can get rich by 
investing in a biotech that promises to solve it in three weeks.

On the other hand, this same article states,
"The good news is that a few existing drugs might help to save lives in the meantime.
And new treatments could be developed in as little as six months."

The aim here is to help reduce your anxiety
if you're susceptible to thinking the worst.

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