Saturday, February 22, 2020

Testing 1 2 3: Duluth and Canosia to Test New Voting Technology

I don't know how many days this has been running in the Duluth News Tribune, but it's a pretty tiny announcement, so in case you missed it, I am sharing it here. This appeared in yesterday's paper in that section of fine print where foreclosures and such are announced.

They are testing some new technology that will be used during a township election in Canosia and in the March 3 Presidential Nominating Primary.

Here are a few articles pertaining to the Iowa disaster:

It’s Time to End Computerized Elections 

Iowa App Fiasco Shows Need for Open Source Transparency

Iowa App Fiasco Worries Mobile Voting Advocates

Finger pointing continues over Iowa app fiasco

I may attend one of these meetings to see what's happening.

We already know that many elections have been won by fraud. Illinois has a notorious history in this regard. (eg. The Making of a President, 1960 by Theodore White) And the incidence of fraudulent outcomes is extensive when you look globally.

For years in the Deep South those in power undercut Black voters by making it difficult to near impossible to cast a vote in the first place.

Anyways, this is just a heads up regarding a couple meeting announcements.

1 comment:

  1. As real as WWF wrestling.
    Kids have fun cheering and booing, and thinking that their cheers and boos "make a real difference".
