Sunday, July 19, 2020

The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude... it's like magic.
Yesterday I was reading a book in which at the end of one chapter the authors gave readers an assignment to make a list of 25 things they were grateful for. I decided to do this and found out something. Nearly the entire list was people, people who have enriched my life in a multitude of ways, family, friends, relatives, and eventually a few things like our home, Susie's garden, a career in which I could use my gifts, etc.

While writing this, other people keep coming to mind, people who helped me or cared about me or encouraged me, including teachers, coaches, and even a few strangers.  I'm also grateful that  I'm not dead yet. And overarching the whole is a sense of gratitude to God for this gift of life.

These thoughts prompted me to find quotes on gratitude to inspire you as well. Many of the names are familiar and some surprising. May you find something here to lift your heart and your spirit in these turbulent, unsettling times.

"Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others."

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."
--John F. Kennedy

"When it comes to life the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude."
--G.K. Chesterton

"I don't have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness - it's right in front of me if I'm paying attention and practicing gratitude."
--Brene Brown

"Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty."
--Doris Day

Cape May, NJ --1999
"Nine-tenths of wisdom is appreciation. Go find somebody's hand and squeeze it, while there's time."
--Dale Dauten

"Thankfulness is the tune of angels."
--Edmund Spenser

"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things."
--Robert Brault

"When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around."
--Willie Nelson

"Gratitude and attitude are not challenges; they are choices."
--Robert Braathe

"Gratitude... It can change everything, almost like magic."
--Kat Senn

"If a fellow isn't thankful for what he's got, he isn't likely to be thankful for what he's going to get."
--Frank A. Clark

"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it."
--William Arthur Ward

"If you want to turn your life around, try thankfulness. It will change your life mightily."
--Gerald Good

And finally, this verse from Paul's letter to the Philippians, "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything give thanks." Words that we especially need today as much as ever.

Thank you for reading. 


  1. gratitude is SUPRESSING ANGER gratitude is SUPRESSING ANGER
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  2. I don't agree, but I am posting this comment so that people can see that there are other ways of looking at things.

    I will agree that sometimes people behave "nice" who are inauthentic and often angry. Anger does need to find an outlet and my brother (Dr Ron Newman) is a psychologist who has written on the topic, Finding Balance when Dealing with Anger."

    Thanks for sharing.

  3. Attitude Of Gratitude - The Life Changing Power Of Gratitude
    Do You Want To Be Happier And More Resilient To The Challenges Of Life? It’s About Time For You To Practice The Life Changing Power Of Gratitude!

    Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can provide you with a number of benefits and can really transform your life for the better. Most people do not appreciate the power that gratitude has, and you will be far ahead of the curve going through this training and applying the techniques in it to develop your attitude of gratitude.

    Topics covered:
    What Is Gratitude?
    What Should You Be Grateful For?
    Gratitude Leads To Abundance
    Developing A Gratitude Mindset
    Gratitude And Empowerment
    How You Can Learn Gratitude
    Developing The Habits Of Gratitude
    Practicing Gratitude In Your Daily Life
    The Power Of Gratitude In Relationships
    Gratitude Best Practices

    More Info visit:

  4. Amazing article. Thanks for sharing.
