Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Hevesh5 Dominoes Setup Illustrates Concept of Viral Marketing

How does a blog post go viral? Can you "make" digital content go viral? 

Well, if you have something unusual and interesting enough, it might go viral. Here's a video compilation of dominoes being knocked down. 

Guess what? It didn't happen overnight. I mean, think of all the setting up that had to take place in order for these videos could be filmed? Think of the investment in dominoes, and the time invested in setting this all up. 

No doubt this was not their first rodeo. 

What is it that makes this video so compelling? Two things, I think. First, most of us have had some kind of personal experience setting up dominoes and making them fall. So we have a certain nostalgia thing going. Second, it's real. There are no special effects. It's down-to-earth. Third, there's so much creativity in the layouts that it's inspirational. It makes you wonder how to take other things that are ordinary and elevate them to a higher level.

It doesn't hurt any that the dominoes themselves are so colorful.

Eventually the setups go beyond dominoes and become Rube Goldberg-esque in their execution. 

Her most recent project involved 32,000 dominoes which she spent three months setting up. And I see she's leveraging her passion for dominoes into some entrepreneurial channels. Her moniker is Hevesh5. Just as one is curious what will happen next in her setups, so it is that some of will be following to see what happens next in here career.

* * * * 

It's going to be another beautiful day here in the Northland, probably our last. You may want to skip the Dominoes this afternoon and catch a breath of fresh air. Cooler weather is coming and it won't be long till Jack Frost takes up residence here again. 

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