Monday, September 21, 2020

What Was the Best Acted Movie Scene of All Time?

I personally think Twitter is underrated. As a source of information it's a bit of Wild West, but that's OK because all other media has an agenda, therefore it curates the stories it features to serve its own ends. 
As a source of entertainment, too, Twitter is endlessly entertaining. People are simply so imaginative and you see it displayed in the memes and other things shared there. It's also interactive. People ask questions or share things and the responses can take you all kinds of places. 
This morning this question captured my attention: What is the best-acted movie scene of all time and why? 

Before you read the answers by others, what scenes come to mind for you? The first that came to mind for me was that scene around the dining room table in August, Osage County when all the revelations come out. Not sure why that one came to mind first because after reading through part of this list I agreed with many of their selected moments.

The opening scene from Inglorious Basterds has to be on of the great scenes of all time. The tension!

Someone else selected Judy Garland singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," and I would concur that the emotion she conveyed was palpable.

A third scene that someone suggested: the courtroom scene with Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men.

At this point I started thinking that Meryl Streep and Jack Nicholson and Tom Hanks and many others have given us numerous exceptional and noteworthy scenes. The best of the best are worth their weight in gold.

Here's the link:

Read through the list. I am confident it will stimulate many rewarding memories for you.

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Photo by Vincentas Liskauskas on Unsplash


  1. How do you feel about Twitter now when they can delete accounts for the most flimsy excuses?

  2. Am glad Elon Musk bought them out. I agree with you... bad.
    FWIW, this blog is banned on Facebook and Instagram, for reasons I have never been able to get a straight answer for.
