Monday, November 29, 2021

Listen to the Breeze

Listen to the Breeze

When we never get an answer

and we’re always lost at sea,

the only thing we know for sure

is what will be will be.

We’ll wander, then we’ll settle down,

we’ll change our minds again

without knowing where we're headed

nor a trace of what has been.

We’ll feel it on our faces,

thinking back to that first kiss,

how little it really matters now,

how little it ever meant.

Listen to the breeze, listen to the trees.

Let loose your hair, your weightless limbs

and put your mind at ease.

Listen to the Breeze was a collaboration 

between myself and Sudowrite, an A.I. personal assistant.

Photo by Gary Firstenberg


  1. Interesting! A bit depressing - that first kiss didn't matter - really?!

  2. And then, the answer my friend is blowing in the wind, than answer is blowing in the wind....As our beloved Bob Dylan used to sing!
