Monday, March 14, 2022

Duty To Warn: Duluth Police Launch Catalytic Converter Initiative

1996 Dodge Ram catalytic converter
Last year my son-in-law's mom had her catalytic converter stolen. It was taken during the night while parked in her driveway in a quiet suburban neighborhood.

The average motorist probably doesn't  know what a catalytic converter is or what it does, and would be hard-pressed to even locate where it was underneath their vehicle. 

The purpose of catalytic converters is to reduce harmful by-products of combustion and thereby keep our air and the environment cleaner. That clue should tell you where it is located: somewhere between the engine and the tailpipe. 

The reason they are being stolen is because criminals have learned that they contain small amounts of three precious metals: rhodium, platinum and palladium. These metals have catalytic properties. That is, they serve as catalysts that interact with the exhaust to make it 90% cleaner. 

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EARLIER THIS MONTH I went on a Citizen Ride-Along with the Duluth Police Department. It was interesting. I spent six hours in a patrol car, observing and experiencing what law enforcement officers do. I learned quite a bit that day, one of item being that there are a lot of catalytic converters being stolen in Duluth.

This must have been going on for some time because last fall the city initiated a program to etch serial numbers and identification on you catalytic converter to deter theft. Evidently, if the device is marked, thieves will leave it alone because they can't re-sell them.

How much does it cost to replace a catalytic converter? Parts and labor can run between one and three thousand dollars. It's not only a hassle, it's a bite out of your wallet.

For more information about Duluth's Catalytic Converter I.D. Program, check out this article from the DNT.

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