Monday, July 11, 2022

The Importance of Writing

As our kids were growing up we became frustrated with some of the shortcomings of public education. We tried a private school for two years but it had some different kinds of problems. As a result we began homeschooling our children, which turned out to be a perfect solution for our situation. We were fortunate to be in circumstances that enabled us to pursue this course.

Susie, my wife, handled the primary responsibilities, but I also remained in touch with what the kids were learning by creating tests and quizzes for most of their classes. I also taught writing, creating writing. exercises and a unique method of "grading" the work that addressed the biggest problem I had with grading in school: the pain of being handed your paper back all covered with red marks. Ouch, ouch, ouch.

Years later, when our children had left the nest, I found a folder containing many of the writing exercises I'd created. Susie suggested I turn them into a book. As I considered this it seemed necessary to also outline my philosophical approach to teaching young people how to write well. This was woven into the first half of the book. 

My attempt to obtain a publisher failed, so I self-published the book which, to my dismay, has sold very few copies. No doubt part of the reason is its boring title. (The idea of a clickbait title grated on me.) Perhaps, too, I didn't make a sufficient effort to get connected to the homeschool community here. 

Nevertheless, the book has valuable insights not only for homeschool teachers but also for teachers of all stripes. This is a passage from early in the book.

Chapter 1: The Importance of Writing

Writing has changed the world more than almost any other activity. Truth is passed on from one generation to the next through the written word.

Political movements may begin with a fire in the breast, but it is the written word that distributes this fire far and wide. The American Revolution was successful in large part because of the printing press. The sacred truths of Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam have influence because their holy books have been preserved in writing.

Why do we remember Marco Polo's travels to China but know nothing of his uncle's previous journeys to this exotic foreign land? The answer is self-evident when we learn that Marco Polo spent time in prison with a writer who recorded his stories and preserved them for posterity.

In the business world, it is almost impossible to be a person of influence without writing skills. Whether crafting business plans or sales presentations, memos or ad copy, the written word the coin of the realm.

For the most part, our young peoples' future influence will be in direct proportion to their skill with the written word. 

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Writing Exercises is available for purchase Here On

For info about my other books visit:

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