Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Oxford's Word of the Year and My Own New Word: Naptural

Seaside, Florida (Photo: Gary Firstenberg
Well, it's getting to be that time again. Pretty soon Time Magazine will announce a Person of the Year. Others will assemble articles about the famous people we've lost this year. And many of us will reflect on the dear friends we've lost. We'll no doubt get many top ten lists, and a lot of speculation about where things are headed in 2023. 

So it came as no surprise to learn that Oxford Languages, creator of the Oxford Dictionary, has announced its "Word of the Year." Funny thing. The word is actually an expression and the expression is "Goblin mode." It's a slang term that means a "type of behavior which is unapologetically self-indulgent, lazy, slovenly, or greedy, typically in a way that rejects social norms or expectations."

Seems like I've met this person, but I'm not here to name names. Like Dylan, I'm trying to avoid "finger pointing songs."

What I really wanted to share was the new word I created: Naptural. 

Instead of using artificial stimulants like energy drinks of caffeine to stay awake, take a nap. Naps are a Naptural way to recharge your batteries. Why get all wired on chemical stimulants when you can relax to renew.

I understand that some people have trouble napping. For the rest of us, it's simply good to make time for rest. True, I've been guilty of pushing the pedal to the metal for much of my life. That is, trying to pack and cram as much into my day as possible. I'm not sure it's entirely healthy.

Don't get me wrong. I am not promoting Goblin mode. Like rechargeable batteries, we ourselves need to recharge periodically. When you do, do it napturally. 

If you like the word, you're free to use it. Perhaps it will become a word of the year somewhere in the future and your friends will notice that you were an early adopter.

Here's the original story about Goblin mode, from NPR.

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