Thursday, January 12, 2023

New Art Series in Ej Arnold's The Pinto Bean People Collection

Detail from "Curtain Call"
I first saw Ej Arnold's hyper-focused Dali-esque pen-and-ink drawings in a four person show at Washington Gallery on Duluth's Central Hillside. I was captivated by the detail and shared his work on my blog here in March 2014. I later
published our interview on Medium in 2019. In December Ej contacted me to say he was completing a new series of images in The Pinto Bean People collection. Naturally I was eager to see what he was now doing. Here's a note which Ej sent regarding the new work:

This second series started way before its time, with visuals seen seven years before they actually happened, I found myself questioning the placement of these art pieces.

It would be these three art pieces, not in numerical order, but in time of order; meshing together a time line of unfortunate events, but with good outcomes. Told of the days to come, and realizing it, from the past now… 
Curtain Call, 
* A premonition piece… 
* A piece that simmers to a point of almost… 
* A piece that is brought spiraling out in between it all

* * * * *

1. "Curtain Call"

2. "Spiraling Out with a Non-Violent Apple Core" 

"Spiraling Out with a Non-Violent Apple Core" (detail)

3. "Warm Progressions"

EN: Where do you live now and what are you currently preoccupied with?

Ej Arnold: I'm still residing in a small but growing town in GA and continuing to "mental shelf" new ideas for upcoming art pieces that will be able to be incorporated with previous pieces that mesh together to keep the collection going. Even with new pieces surfacing in mind and in sketch; they somehow all seem to tie together quite nicely for future viewings. "Compatible pieces" I guess you could say is the word(s) I'm looking for to describe the new ideas for this collection. 

EN: What is your preferred medium?

Ej Arnold: Still creating art pieces on 11"x 14" mixed media sheets, and still creating pen and ink surreal images with my favorites of all time, Faber-Castell Pitt artist pens. 

Interested parties may contact Ej Arnold at:

Happy Birthday, Ej

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