Thursday, August 10, 2023

Reach for the Stars...

And the world will be better for this

that one man, scorned and covered with scars,
still strove with his last ounce of courage
to reach the unreachable stars.
~ Dale Wasserman, Man of La Mancha

How high do you want to go? How much difference do you want to make? Go big. That is the only way to find out how far you can reach.

In today's cynical and suspicious world, you may appear a fool in the eyes of many. People will tell you that to believe you can make a mark that lasts, can make a difference is a wild goose chase, a waste of time, a lost cause.

You will be swimming upstream, but do not give up. Quit swimming and the current will carry you backwards. Are you tired? Hold on to something firm, catch your breath, then continue. There are rewards for those who make such an effort... Keep on keepin' on. Even if you don't reach the stars, over the course of a lifetime you will accomplish more than you ever thought possible. 

1 comment:

  1. Interesting.
    Appreciate your Blog and opening my eyes and mind
    to culture and the arts —-throughout history —- and in today’s
    changing society—— divided city, county, state and nation, my opinion.
