Monday, March 4, 2024

Recent Tweets of Interest: Freedom of the Press at Risk? Free Speech, Too?


Blaze Media investigative journalist Steve Baker being taken into FBI custody for his J6 reporting.

Ex-Fox News reporter Catherine Herridge being held in contempt yesterday for refusing to reveal her sources about a Chinese-American scientist investigated by the FBI but never charged.

Those who pontificate about “threats to our democracy” should take a hard look at the threats to freedom of the press.

2. This [Assange case] is a blatant attempt to send a message to real journalists that if you dare expose the darkness or the US Government then you will pay the price.
It’s a sign that tyranny is only getting worse in this country. Shame on this attack of our freedom of the press.

Like the plot to a dystopian movie, New York will now monitor social media writings, collect data, and use law enforcement to crack down on any expression it deems to be hate speech.

New Free Speech Gag Law in Canada: C-63

They created a Bill to fight hate without actually defining what is considered hatred. In other words, this Bill C63 will let them make anything up they want, on the fly.

It's about feelings...As the MOJ David Lametti mentioned he was "feeling threatened" during the "freedom convoy" so he invoked the Emergencies Act and joked about calling in a tank...

They don’t need to define what is hate speech, they just need to be the ones who decide what is hate speech. I predict that politicians speaking out against this government will be charged.

Online Harms Act Will Throw Authors, Columnists and YouTubers In Prison - Bill C63

Under Online Harms Act #BillC63, the government can put you under house arrest or force you to wear an ankle bracelet if someone else believes that you *will* write something hateful online in the future.

Being elected does not give one authority to violate Canada's constitution. This Orwellian piece of violent totalitarianism - Bill C63 - has no place in Canada. There ought to be penalties for lawmakers who propose obvious violations of individual freedom, and "free speech".

Bill c-63 is worse than imaginable It is more ridiculous than thought police #C63 #cdnpoli

How does Fascism start?: First, they fascinate the fools. (Trudeau) Then they Muzzle FreeThinkers (BillC63)

The first amendment protects speech you "don't" like. If it protects only speech you"do" like, then there is no free speech.


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