Monday, May 27, 2024

Another Dylan Fest Is in the Books: Many 2024 Memories Generated

It was anther very busy, energetic week here in the Northland. The photos capture attempt to cature a bit of this year's Duluth Dylan Fest. Details to be added as time permits. Many of the photos courtesy Michael K. Anderson.

Subonnet Sue (L) with DDF Director Zane Bail.
Tuesday's Open Jam at Carmody's.
Insde the Green Room, Sacred Heart
Armory Arts Quilt of Memories
Armory Tour gathering at the drill hall.
KDAL Studios with Paul Metsa, host of Stars Over the Prairie.
L-R: Paul Metsa, Bill Pagel, Marc Percansky, Ed Newman
Cowboy Angel Blue Saturday night at Mr. D's
Amy Grillo with Pat Eliason, hosts of Friday night's
Singer/Songwriter Contest at Sacred Heart.
Dylan archvist Bill Pagel with Marc Percansky. 
Marc Percansky shares a story with Paul Metsa's listeners.
The Basement Tapes at Earth Rider Wednesday.
Greg Tiburzi with Pat Eliason at the goodbye brunch.
Winner's of the Singer Songwriter Contest Friday evening.
(L to T) Rick Bruner (2), Austin Castle (1), Eddy Burke (3)
Saturday's John Bushey Memorial Lecture at Wussow's
featured the authors of Bob Dylan in Minnesota.
L to R: Matt Steichen, Marc Percansky, Ed Newman, Paul Metsa
with moderator Mark Nicklawski.
The audience at Wussow's.
Shane Nelson with Leslie.
One of the musicians at our open jam,

Happy Birthday, Bob.

1 comment:

  1. Is it true that you froze a portion of the cake in case Bob wants any, like you do every year? 🙂 I hear it was very good! Thank you to the Mount Royal Bakery and Macarons by Maddie Lu from DDF! --S.Sue
