Sunday, July 28, 2024

Photographer Craig Blacklock's Unique Look at Lake Superior

It's well known that the natural beauty of the Northland has been a magnet for artists, writers and photographers for ages. Craig Blacklock is one such photographer captured by this beauty. His work has been captivating fans for a generation.

Blocklock began as a fine art major at UMD, but his interest in photographer preceded those college years. His father Les Blacklock had already made a name for himself here as a respected photographer and environmentalist.

There are any number of photographers in this region who have been captivated by the raw beauty of our natural world. Each has a personal vision. Each strives to transcend the norm to create personal statements impregnated with their own DNA.


Blacklock's current show, now on display at the Joseph Nease Gallery in Duluth, titled Within the Waves--A Work in Four Movements. Though nature is the fundamental subject matter of his lens, Blacklock has manipulated the captured images by "diving in" to deeper spaces within the images, transcending representation.

The abstract imagery allows viewers' imaginations to build their own interpretations. Some of the work reminded me of early Picasso. Others brought to mind landscapes, water slides, the contents of petri dishes and the stunning imagery of M.C. Escher. The work is on display through September 28 with an artist talk slated for August 8 from 5 to 7.

Here's a look at some of the variety in Blacklock's current show at JNG.

These last two above bring to mind imagery
by surrealist photographer Man Ray.

Related Links
Read the full press release about this exhibition here.
Blackrock Gallery:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for bringing this work to attention. If people would like to see some installation photos and learn more, they can visit my fine art site:
