Tuesday, February 18, 2020

New Painting by Frank Baker Holmes Echoes Classic Themes

‘Still Life with Vermeer Postcard’
16”x20”, o/c
The Narrowsburg art scene is not my usual beat, but having just seen Frank Holmes' latest painting, it seemed noteworthy enough to draw attention to it. The 16"x 20" piece bears the straightforward title "Still Life with Vermeer Postcard," though it's anything but straightforward. You can find this painting at the River Gallery on Main Street in Narrowsburg, New York.

For those unfamiliar with Holmes, the story begin at the Pratt Institute where he received his Bachelor's degree in Brooklyn. Seven years later he came to Athens to work on his Masters at Ohio University. I was an art student there and, like many, impressed with what he was doing.

Vermeer detail.
In the early 70's the art scene was in a swirl because of the power of all these surging forces: the New York school, Pop Art, minimalism, conceptual art, and Happenings. It was an invigorating time for young artists, though simultaneously confusing, especially students looking for a clear path into the future.

In truth, there's never been a clear path. You have to draw or write or paint what feels authentic to you, and this is what Frank Holmes was doing, following his own inner muse.

The end result was his being honored with a Prix de Rome in 1973. You can read details of this experience here: Veteran Painter Frank Holmes Discusses His Prix de Rome and Life as an Artist
Detail. Hardwood floor, carpet, pedestal obelisk.
Some of the elements in this painting have been recurring in Holmes' paintings for half a century, most significantly the the patterned wallpaper designs, the hardwood floor and the references to classical art history, in this case Vermeer's "The Girl with a Pearl Earring" which I had the privilege of seeing when it was at the National Gallery circa 1995. It's one of the most famous paintings of history, comparable to DaVinci's Mona Lisa in stature.

Like Salvador Dali before him, Holmes is acknowledging or paying tribute to the Dutch artist whose technical expertise is widely revered and nearly unequaled.

Another common denominator in Frank Holmes' paintings is the originality of the composition. To produce a painting is an investment of time, and the subject matter must be of sufficient interest to maintain interest. In addition to engaging the viewer, it must of necessity engage the artist as well. The visual effects--the play of light, the illusion of depth, shape, substance--are all in play here.

Priced at $3,000 this painting is a steal.

Related Links
A Most Unusual Portrait: The Sarcophagus by Frank B. Holmes
Frank Holmes' Agony and Ecstasy: 20 Images from the Ohio Theater Project 
Frank Holmes Studio Tour, 2018
21 Frank Holmes Paintings On Pinterest

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