Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Brownouts, Blackouts and EVs

A half dozen years ago the power went out here in the Duluth region for several days. As soon as it happened I became concerned about the food in our two chest freezers and the fridge. I skipped my lunch hour to seek out some dry ice. I quickly learned of two sources, the first just a few blocks from where I worked.

When I got there I found that I was aready too late. They had been cleaned out by local restaurants and other quick responders. They instructed me to go to a place in West Duluth near Clyde Iron Works on Michigan Street. As it turns out, I was received the very last pieces of dry ice in the Twin Ports. Fifteen minutes later the dry ice was distributed in our freezers and fridge. 

Little did we know that the power would be out for four days. Fortunately, we have just enough dry ice to keep the frozen goods frozen that long. For others in our area the power was out for nearly a week. 

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This morning I was thinking about this incident and its implications as we're pushed toward an EV future. How would people with rural homes get to town if they couldn't charge their vehicles? What will office workers working from home do without power?

How will 50th floor employers reach their desks without elevators? Will the subways still operate when the power is down?

When I was living in Puerto Rico (1978-79) we have blackouts and brownouts every week. It could be half an hour, or it could be a full day. Do manufacturers keep their employees on stand-by? It seems like they. have to. Do employees get paid when no work is accomplished? Usually, though it's tough on the business owners.

Another thing that's tough on manufacturers is the manner in which businesses are being tied up with red tape due to government excess, absurd regulations and frivolous lawsuits. Check out Meredith Angwin's story "Stasi Come Home." 

I have much more to share, but and going to pull the trigger here and get on with my day. Stay informed and keep your eyes open. Till next.

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People I follow on Electric Grid and Energy related issues

Robert Bryce

Meredith Angwin: The Electric Grandma


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