Friday, July 5, 2024

Readng and the Power of an Educated Mind

When I went to Italy last year, I learned how it came about that Florence became such a center of power and influence during the Renaissance period. They valued literacy; they valued books. They had one street there nicknamed Booksellers Row or something like that. The people there valued and collected ancient manuscripts on science, medicine, philosophy, history, architecture and religion. They were avid readers and book lovers. 

Another fact I learned that really stood out was that the literacy rate in Florence was twice that of other towns in Italy. The fruit of this treasure trove of learning can be seen today in the architecture, the arts, and places like the Galileo museum

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Yesterday I saw a headline about the wisdom of our country's Founding Fathers and it brought brought to mind an anecdote about books and learning. A few years back, in a biography of James Madison the author noted how 
London at that time had its own Bookseller's Row. The most influential book publisher in England during the later 1700s. The author noted that this major bookseller's most avid buyers were all from the American colonies. More than half of their customers were from the Colonies in North America.

Bottom Line: Do you read? A love of reading is an integral feature of an educated mind. Do you want your children to amplify their influence in the future? Instill in them a love of reading.

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