Friday, December 27, 2013

Artist Interviews: Best of 2013 (Part 1)

From the magical world of Wendy Rouse.
I had the privilege of meeting a lot of exceedingly creative and interesting people again this year. People are endlessly fascinating, and artists especially so. Here is a list of the artists I interviewed in 2013 from January to June, most from our region but some from abroad. All of them with something to say worth sharing.

When asked if I have a favorite contemporary artist, by answer will probably always be the same: whoever's work I have most recently looked at. There are so many talented, innovative people doing such remarkable work today. It's a privilege to be associated with them.

Plein aire painter and charcoal artist Ken Marunowski

Painter Michael Soltis of Vancouver

Fiber artist and Superior arts advocate Erika Mock 

Illustrator Emily Wendlund

Multi-media artist Jacob Swanson

Vivid colorist Alison Price

Photographer/arts advocate Andrew Perfetti

Innovator and roller dame Laura Gapske

The dedicated, creative Ryan LaMahieu

Steampunk story teller Eric Horn

Painter Sarah Brokke 

The inventive Bridgett Riversmith 

Heroic painter and more, Anne Labovitz 

Renaissance-inspired painter Wendy Rouse 

Florida pastel-artist Maria Podrero

AJ Atwater and Project 30/30

Thank you for sharing yourselves here at Ennyman's Territory.

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