Saturday, July 28, 2007

A Recommended Reading List

A Recommended Reading List
for success in business and life

Here is a short list of books that have helped me over the years in my career, with a short commentary afterwards.

1) The Effective Executive, Peter Drucker
2) Think & Grow Rich, Napolean Hill
3) Acres of Diamonds, Russell Conwell
4) Personal Marketing Strategies, Mike McCaffrey
5) What Color Is Your Parachute, Richard Nelson Bolles
6) How to Win Friends & Influence People, Dale Carnegie
7) Bottom Up Marketing, Ries & Trout
8) Positive Workaholism, Dennis Hensley
9) Obvious Adams
10) The Elements of Style, Strunk & White

This is a non-comprehensive list of books that I have found useful at different times in my life. Drucker is a seminal thinker of the past half century and this book is extremely practical, useful... a well you can return to throughout a lifetime.

What Color Is Your Parachute? is on this list because of its appendix, which is a collection of exercises to help you know yourself better that you might find the career that is especially suited to who you are. In business and life, I've noted that all too many people are mismatched with their jobs or life situations because they just did the next thing without thinking about who they were or believing there is a path that is more suitable and worth pursuing. I strongly recommend that all young people (though anyone feeling stifled by their job/career situation) find a copy of this book to own and use.

How to Win Friends and Influence People is a practical and important book. Too old fashioned for modern times? No way.

The Ries & Trout book is included here as a token recommendation since I could have recommended a half dozen others by this pair with equal vim. My first Ries & Trout book was Marketing Warfare. Their ideas about positioning became highly influential in the world of marketing. I ought to include David Ogilvy's books on advertising in this but not everyone is in advertising, so I can't say that I would recommend him to everybody. For me, he has played a pre-eminent role, however, in the formation of my ideas about advertising. If you are involved in a business that has advertising and promotions as part of the business, Ogilvy on Advertising is a must addition to your personal library.

The Strunk & White book belongs in everyone's personal library. It is a concise presentation of the basics of good writing. No one who communicates in written media should be without it.

I believe Obvious Adams has been reprinted again. It was written about a century ago, is very short, but highly entertaining. If you read it, it isn't long before the point becomes.... obvious.

Quote of the day:
Reading is a basic tool in the living of a good life. ~ Mortimer J. Adler

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