EN: Where are you from and how did you first come to take an interest in the music of Bob Dylan?
Karl Erik Andersen: I live in North Norway and heard "Blowin' In The Wind" and "Positively 4th Street" on the radio when I was around 15. My first Dylan album was "Bringing It All Back Home", and I think I knew the lyrics by heart. It is still one of my favourite albums.
EN: ExpectingRain.com is an impressive undertaking. What prompted you to start this Dylan-themed resource?
KEA: In 1994, where I work at the National Library of Norway, we had computers and I tried out Gopher and then Mosaic. After the web server software MacHTTP, later WebStar, became available, I set up a web server on my Mac II fx desktop at work. I later bought that Mac for myself for NOK 100, and maybe I should auction it off for a fortune when the site turns 25 in five years!
Here is a snapshot of the front page in January 1997, thanks to the Wayback Machine at the Internet Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/19970120191358/http://bob.nbr.no/
The content I published was the Dylan Atlas and the Bob Dylan Who's Who, which I had previously distributed by email for a few months. A few years later I moved the server to a paid hosting service in the US, and it is now served by HostGator in Houston TX.
Over the years the site has developed into a news central, and I now publish a daily set of links to items of interest, both directly and indirectly and not at all related to Bob Dylan. Most of these links are sent to me by contributors, and I select among the tips I receive. I don't have the time to read every story, and I may not agree with them either, but I trust my readers to possess both common sense and a bit of basic knowledge about Bob Dylan.
In 2004 I set up a discussion board. The initiative came from my son, and my daughter has helped with the technicalities. The board has become quite popular, with 24.000 registered users and an average of 370 posts a day. I gather it means a lot to many people. I only visit occasionally. I am dependent on the very capable moderators who voluntarily take upon them to prevent the board from turning into chaos and name calling. I and the members owe them a lot!
EN: Do you also collect his music or memorabilia?
KEA: Where I grew up, there were no organised Dylan fans and no bookstores with Dylan material, and certainly no record shops with bootlegs on offer, But after the Internet all these things came within reach. In the mid-Nineties I got quite a few cassettes by trading through the mail, and I started buying Dylan books from Amazon. Nowadays the tapes are stored in a secluded but dust-proof place, and I actually donated about 120 Dylan books to the National Library.
I try to order new Dylan material through Amazon or a Norwegian store, but make no attempt to be a completist. But it's nice to have both the CD and vinyl Bootleg Series on my special Dylan shelf. Through a very helpful reader in Berlin I even have a sealed copy of the first Copyright Collection from 1962.
EN: Why do you believe so many fans never seem to tire of Dylan?
KEA: Bob Dylan is an artist you don't tire of, or if you do tire of him, you find lots of reasons to return to the fold. He is a shape-shifter who winds his way through almost all forms of music that have ever been current in America, and you can tune into DylanRadio.com and be surprised every hour of the day.
EN: How many countries contribute to the site (including the forums)? How many of the contributors to ExpectingRain have you gotten to know?
KEA: The visitors to Expecting Rain come from all over the world. Still, most are North Americans and Europeans. A rough distribution may be 50% US, 25% UK, 15% Germany and then all the rest. I have met a few of them at concerts in Norway and the UK. Last year I attended the three Royal Albert Hall concerts, and I was pleased when people came over and shook my hand.
EN: How long do you think you’ll keep doing this? Is it still fun?
KEA: The site is now 20 years old and the 25th anniversary will call for some planning (Suggestions welcome!). Doing this is so much a part of my daily routine that I don't see how I can stop it, much like a certain artist's urge to go on the road almost 100 days a year. I will keep up as long as I feel there is a demand for this service. If the logs show a steep decline from the present 15-25,000 unique daily visitors, I may have to reconsider.
* * * *
This interview was conducted by email on December 7, 2014
AND he's a very nice guy!
This is the top 3 sites i visit daily. Great work!
we must be around the same age (65) as I bought my first Dylan album Bringing It All Back Home and wore the grooves down. I still have it of course encased in partial shrink wrap. $3.79 bought at my local Woolworth's in Concord, Calif.
Keep on keeping on till the wheels fall off, without you there would be a dark hole in my daily Routine!
Truly a labor of Love...it is very much appreciated. All of the interesting "news" concerning Mr. Dylan...like the Touring info and set lists are great to view from time to time; But also; all the notices of the great musicians that pass away; Traditional types as well as individuals from the !960s scene...all those articles are incredibly important to folks like myself who have been into & with the Music History and the Living History with Mr. Dylan still recording heavily and still out there touring so graciously with great effort and Masterfull presentation. Thank you very very much Mr. Anderson. Peace to you. We saw some Powerfull;Beautifull Shows in Philadelphia a few weeks ago and it was great to see Bob again and in Top Form. Hope you can continue with your Work. All the Best in this regard.
Am 67 of age, been a loyal Dylan fan since 1968. However, I got in touch with the Internet and later your site only around 2007, but have been loyal to that, too. As I am a retired man lately, I spend more time enjoying the contributors in your site, esp. alldylan ( formerly Visions of Johanna ) than devoting to my collection of LPs of a wider range. Needless to say, I appreciate your passionate undertaking, wish you great health and cheers. Greetings from bella Italia !
Thank you Erik for your dedication and tireless efforts. John Pilecki Pittsburgh Pa/ St Augustine Fl USA.
You know what is really nice about Karl Erik's site? The fact that there are links for music other than Dylan. Dylan is the reason I go there but, if something happened to the site, I realize that there is so much information about other artists that I wouldn't be getting. So I go there just about every day and I feel like I am in touch with all I need to be in touch with. It's like Rolling Stone magazine used to be like when they were good.
Thanks Karl Erik.
Karl Erik is one of the top three or four Bob Dylan people in the world, that is, by the impact of his contribution to take Bob's name, talent, spirit, news, legacy and related content to every corner on the planet. The quality of his work is as extraordinary as his consistnency. Exectingrain.com is a must-visit site for every Bobfan out there. Thank you Karl, you're the man.
Karl Erik is one of the top three or four Bob Dylan people in the world, that is, by the impact of his contribution to take Bob's name, talent, spirit, news, legacy and related content to every corner on the planet. The quality of his work is as extraordinary as his consistnency. Exectingrain.com is a must-visit site for every Bobfan out there. Thank you Karl, you're the man.
I have been a regular visitor to Expecting rain.com for about twenty years. Well done, Karl Erik. Might come and visit you in Norway one day, all the way from Australia.
Does anyone know where I can send a letter to Bob? Nothing special jut a thank for the Great Music. FGENT1110@aol.com
You are doing a great job, Karl Erik. I visit your site nearly daily and always find interesting links. Please keep up the good work it is much appreciated and we look forward to the 25 year celebration. So far no ideas from me, but I will certainly give it a thought. Best regards from Denmark!
Karl, Thanks so much for your site! It's the first thing (and usually the best thing) that I read just about every day. Please keep it going and "reflect from the mountain so all souls can see it!"
Karl, Thanks so much for your site! It's the first thing (and usually the best thing) that I read just about every day. Please keep it going and "reflect from the mountain so all souls can see it!"
Indispensable, I make a point of always opening my amazon window(s) from Karl's site
I'm very grateful for your good work and dedication. I'm 44 and I've been with you since the beginning. I've learned much through your efforts and they are greatly appreciated. Lord bless you.
i missed the first few years but since then everytime i open internet expectingrain comes up and is the first thing i do check, everyday
such a great feeling of gratitude to karl erik, and the others that make this site so fantastic, for all he's done over the years and the many friends all over the world he's given us via this site. respect
My brief stint as a (utterly unsuitable) moderator on the ER Discussion boards, gave me a deeper appreciation of what the site means to people, and Karl Erik is a class act.
Absolutely the greatest web site on Bob Dylan. It has kept me informed and and entertained and interested in Dylan for all these years I can't imagine not having access to this site. It allows me to feel a vicarious experience of being on the endless Bob Dylan tour. A very grateful fan.
Roderick Smith
Thanks Roderick. Yes, this has been a central hub for many people over the years. Bill Pagel's BobLinks.com is a close second. Between these two, what else is there to know?
Have a great 2020 to all who have been here.
Gosh, how did I find myself here? :}
Thank you Karl, for all the years.
You keep giving us all our daily little plesure
Many thanks Karl
I suppose I'm one of the most long-time members now, having joined in 2004. Seventeen years later, I still check Expecting Rain every day, and thank Mr. Anderson for starting it up and keeping it going. It's been a really rich part of being a Dylan fan for me.
Thanks for the comments. Yes indeed, his labors have enriched us all.
LandCruiser Restoration has left a new comment on your post "A Visit with Karl Erik Andersen, Founder of ExpectingRain.com":
I can truly say that Karl Erik Andersen and his journey with ExpectingRain.com brought home the importance of passions and dedication. From his early days with Dylan's albums to pioneering a haven for fans, one can easily realise in Andersen's story that love for music could become the inspiration and bond among the greatest minds on earth. It is just an excellent example on how we can all leave our mark on what we really treasure.
One fine example of how passion and dedication can create something memorable is seen in the journey of Karl Erik Andersen with ExpectingRain.com. His passion for Dylan's music turned into a space for uniting the fans around the world—proof that what we cherish can truly leave its mark.
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