Friday, July 17, 2020

The Ten Principles of the Georgia Guidestones, America's Strangest Monument

Are you familiar with the Georgia Guidestones? When someone first mentioned it to me I thought it both interesting and strange.

Located 90 miles East of Atlanta, the monument consists of a set of 10 guidelines inscribed on a stone manmade structure in eight modern languages. At the top there's also a short message inscribed in four ancient language scripts. Some people are calling it an "American Stonehenge." The slabs and capstone stand just over 19 feet tall.

The creators of this monument have chosen to remain anonymous and the man who conveyed the instructions to the Eberton Granite Finishing Company 19 miles away used a pseudonym. Obviously it cost a pretty penny to produce and install. Purportedly the group behind this had spent twenty years in planning.

The inscriptions are in the following languages:
English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Traditional Chinese, and Russian.

The ten commandments inscribed there are as follows:

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

A lot of it sounds "nice" but one gets a little concerned about the first two, the first especially. I'm curious how they propose to reduce the earth's population by seven billion in order to fulfill their concept of balance with nature.

Does the second statement refer to a return to eugenicists helping create a more perfect race? Is it Brave New World inspired, as if Huxley's book were a manual, instead of a red flag?

Heres what WIRED wrote about the Guidestones:
The Georgia Guidestones may be the most enigmatic monument in the US: huge slabs of granite, inscribed with directions for rebuilding civilization after the apocalypse. Only one man knows who created them—and he's not talking.

The strangest monument in America looms over a barren knoll in northeastern Georgia. Five massive slabs of polished granite rise out of the earth in a star pattern. The rocks are each 16 feet tall, with four of them weighing more than 20 tons apiece. Together they support a 25,000-pound capstone. Approaching the edifice, it's hard not to think immediately of England's Stonehenge or possibly the ominous monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Built in 1980, these pale gray rocks are quietly awaiting the end of the world as we know it.

You can find the rest of that story HERE.

In addition to the set of instructions on the stones, there were some very precise astro-physical instructions as regards the layout of the stones. You can read about that here at the Smithsonian magazine website.

A site called Atlas Obscura features the guidestones on this page. It highlights a few of the unique features of the stones in this paragraph:

The guidestones also serve as an astronomical calendar, and every day at noon the sun shines through a narrow hole in the structure and illuminates the day’s date on an engraving. The names of four ancient languages are inscribed on the sides near the top: Babylonian cuneiform, Classical Greek, Sanskrit, and Egyptian Hieroglyphics.

* * * *

Someone spent some serious time and money creating this thing. It's not hard to see how something of this nature could provoke some serious conspiracy theorizing. Now all we need is are receipts showing who paid for it. Any guesses?


Anonymous said...

It is little known that it is incomplete. There were supposed to be eight more stones surrounding the center in a lunar calender. This was supposed to be done by another individual. J.R. Christian was the surname for the individual who financed the build.

Ed Newman said...

Thank you, anon, for the additional insight on this mystery.

Anonymous said...

The guide stones in Georgia need to be destroyed! No doubt!

Bamboo said...

R C Christian was a pseudonym and not the man’s real name.

Bamboo said...

R C Christian was a pseudonym and wasn’t the man’s real name.

Unknown said...

These people are sick and need to be taken out!!!!!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

It is a new List of Commandments / Orders for a New World Order organised and paid for by a Satanic sect within the FREEMASONS ! RC Christian was a Freemason. It has been planned for a long time and is already in progress. All Governments world wide are involved. In order to reach the 500,000,000 number 7 billion people will die from the Covid 19 "vaccination". The new Age of Reason / new world order has begun. Wakeup

Anonymous said...

The Guide Stones List the Commandments / Orders for a New World Order! It has been planned for a long time and it's already in progress. All Governments and others world wide are involved. In order to reach the 500,000,000 number 7 billion people will die from the Covid 19 "virus". Only the strong shall survive. Weak and weak minded shall perish. People getting sick and dying did not get the vaccine. The New world order has begun.

Anonymous said...

Genocide us humans god have mercy on us all

Anonymous said...

R.C.Christian means Roman Catholic Church

Anonymous said...

I agree, it's all a prelude to the birth of the New World Order and the death of humanity.

Unknown said...

It's late now

Unknown said...

No your all wrong ..its the end but humans caused it..they are just trying to help you fools when theres nothing left..not even government can save you from whats coming.they are trying to save you from yourselves...fools..the lot of yah .

MsM said...

Thanks for this.

I'm saddened by the prevailing fears in the comments. How terrible it must be to stay vigilant against such unreasonable conspiracy theories. The stones are a treasure, if you ask me.

Should we survive what's already set to back-fire on us, it would be prudent, responsible, to consider what we should have learned from our mistakes.
Too many humans with zero potential to contribute via their inclinations makes waste of human potential. Law that supports individuals with justice, and continuing to avail our species of Medicine that matters to our future as a species require reason, rather than reaction.

I can close my eyes and consider what an enchanting, exciting garden Creation is. Seeing Humanity reborn with appreciation of our inheritance fills me with wonder.

Ed Newman said...

Interesting perspective. Thanks for sharing.

Barrington Windsor said...

Ok. What I am about to tell you is so fantastic that it is almost unbelievable. The universe with its trillions of galaxies is filled with conscious entities. We share this earth with some of them. There is an agreement between those that control the homosapien world and the ones that we share it with. That is the origin of the limit to a half billion souls. The pandemic is cleverly planned, no Guns bombs or military hardware. This is the beginning. the collapse of all we know. Our loved ones blindly going to the cremation ovens. Rational conditioned thought would suggest that 'we are overpopulated', perhaps we are, however, redistribution of wealth, education to the under-privelidged nations etc. This is the true way. You are now part of the resistance

Unknown said...

its sinister these are not words from I AM THAT I AM or Jesus Christ or GODS spirit

Unknown said...

this is not of god the heavenly father. though shall not kill 6 commandment that saves all involved with fraud covid from me i would kill them all where they stand may lightning strike the conspirators dead.

Christ Follower said...

“but I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:22‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Ann Nonamous said...

People are dieing after getting the depopulation inoculation. The programmable gene therapy is not a vaccine. We the people have been lied to for decades.

Anonymous said...

Bwahahaha, Covid!!! That's funny. Those that get the vaccine would be the ones that they would want. Think about it...

Anonymous said...

The only logical thing I've ever seen on these comments

Anglwisdom1 said...

These are not all the same they have even said different batches with different outcomes were created they know what batches will do they have they batch that you will die from stroke heart attack something right away then batches with less severe then different batches that nothing happens. They know exactly where every batch went they have every person who passed from jab on cdc you just need to know how to navigate to find it but all names even people who suicide themselves because of the adverse reactions no one would listen to them. God have mercy on us all

Anonymous said...

Likely Ted Turner is the anonymous front man...used by those above him

Anonymous said...

Likely Ted Turner was used as the frontman....used by those above him

Anonymous said...

I disagree, Auschwitz concentration camp has been left standing for a reason. I think it’s to remind us of our ability to indulge in gruesome behavior. The only thing that stops most of us is social conformity. When that changes to what we now perceive as evil we generally become evil. This is the nature of man. We are NOT civilized, we are barbaric by nature. I’ve overcome it simply by means of reasoning and self discovery. How about you ? Have you made friends with your demons yet ?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You don’t make friends with your demons you expel them. Self help and new age are dead ends. God is real seek him not ego.

Anonymous said...

R C Christian is more likely a reference to Christian Rosenkrutz / Rose Cross of Rosicrucianism.

Anonymous said...


Ed Newman said...

This story made news today. Someone tried to blow it up.
Seems strange to me that media would call this "America's Stonehenge." Stonehenge took centuries to earn such a designation.

Ed Newman said...

Today's WSJ has video of the monument explosion and a silver car driving away.
The structure was deemed unsafe and has now been dismantled already. It was 42 years old...

Anonymous said...

Yes sir

Anonymous said...

Those guidestones went bye, bye, thank you "JESUS".! Blow those things back to satan and tell him to "SUCK ON THAT".!

Anonymous said...

This is false

Anonymous said...

Classical Greek is also there but most sources don't include it. What is the truth?

Anonymous said...

Look most folks know that covid is a population control mechanism and different vaccines are also a part of that....people need to use their brains to decide what is best for them..not the government enough is enough

teroyleg said...

And Rosenkrutz is an alias for Roman Church

Anonymous said...

Go to YouTube and look up “Clouds over Elberton” you can find out who RC Christian is. They reveal their identities.

Anonymous said...

I see nothing that I disagree with on the stones.

Anonymous said...

Your fear is palatable. The words are forever, the stones are not.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who would rewrite the ten commandments the modt high gave is not all there and does not deserve this publicity 😤

Anonymous said...

The comments are better than the post...

Anonymous said...

Covid was a cover for what the illuminati and buildaberg groups call 5g like the olympic flag has 5 circles representing the 5 continents 5 books of moses we can learn a bit from each religion who are not all right and not all wrong thats why christianity has so many levels of belief. The harbinger is ready to introduce humanity to its ruthless side.

Anonymous said...

Are we all that stupid we should pay more attention to the population like the Chinese. It should be laws in every countries there's only a certain ammontof children we are allowed to have otherwise it will be to late to listen don't you think we are nearly at that point in life now everything is bursting on the seems now how more do people think we can go on fore trying to feed us all now and there's country's are struggling now as we all know and we are just ignoring the facts

Anonymous said...

We should listen the Chinese proved it can be done population is at a all time high we all know it and we haven't got the common sense to see it are you blind all you poeple

Clifford foster said...

Yes us humans need to pull our head out of the sand I don't get you people

Clifford foster said...

The only people who has tried with population is the Chinese the world is watching if we made a law that we can have so many children and save humanity and nature at a balance we will all be happy with instead will intend to ignore things how stupid are we when it all collapse then and I say then we might realise it it will be to late we seen covid 19 people in higher places are watching if we don't learn and learn fast the most part of humans will be wiped out after covid 19 we still ain't listening watch the next thing comes along you think covid was bad that's a tickle on the back wait and see I wish everybody would take note but I don't it some how we humans are so stubborn and stupid I really wish millions of us could stand together a great wish stand together and be counted but I dout it somehow

John said...

Lol the world is not over populated and this hole big song and dance is the government's way and the bankers way of bringing in more taxes and then more measures of control like the planned stipulations of agenda 21 /30 soon you will not have a personal car we will all be using ubers or didis .Digital money will be controlled by the government's and if we do not do as they request our social credit score will drop determining where we go and what we spend our money on.15 min citys and Any travel outside of it will be taxed via there false carbon tax .if people started to wake up do there own research they would realise what's going on amd that global warming is a load of garbage over population is garbage but you all to busy receiving your info from the tell lie vision and all that thing has to blurt out is SCIENTISTS CLAIM ,,And that's it your hook line and sinker and won't listen to no one else ...really if people are to dumb to see the truth maybe they should get rid of the stupid population who believes the lies cos they are fools .absolute gullible fools

Anonymous said...

Found ine

Anonymous said...

You don’t get it. Our country has become all that is evil and most people don’t realize it

Anonymous said...

If we have learned nothing else, remember to question everything unless proof is supplied along with a person's claim. In today's age of disinformation & misinformation it is incumbent upon you to verify any information provided without evidence. You do not want to be the one spreading false information.

Ed Newman said...

Anon: Are you referring to something in my blog post or in one of the comments?
Is there a specific item that is inaccurate that I need to correct? Do let me know.

Anonymous said...

It's not the number of humans, but it's the arrogance and ignorance. Playing Gods and willful ignorance as always, the threat to our existence.

Anonymous said...

That’s your problem, you believe in a sky god! Go drink your kool-aid!

Anonymous said...

This is a load of crap ! Just a way for the government (the elite ) to control the evil in the world and to take God out of it ! And keep him out of it ! WAKE UP brother and sisters God told us he was coming back and soon ! Please ppl find God they (government ) know he is coming so they’re going to do everything they can to deceive us and keep us blind !

Anonymous said...

Are you crazy people that got the shelter done I didn't get the shot and I'm not dying

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