Monday, January 7, 2008

Ramble or Reach?

All roads lead to... No, it's not that simple. The roads diverge and do not have identical ends.

Think in terms of watersheds. Think in terms of destinies.

Choices have consequences. But we are not powerless. We have the power to choose.

So much of life is lived as if we do not have choices. The reality is, we almost prefer it that way. If there is something we really, really want, there will likely be a price to be paid to obtain it. And most of us lack the motivation to do the necessary work. Who likes work? If it ain't easy, we pass. Our natural tendency is the path of least resistance.

The greatest achievements require risk and sacrifice. If we fail to make sacrifices in pursuing a goal, we tend to diminish its value. An achievement feels cheap if it did not cost us something.

And so it is.... we ramble, we drift. And we fail to pursue the deepest longings of our hearts.

Dream big. Dream big and reach for the stars.

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