To some extent it’s a good skill to be able to control where you lay the colors. But interesting things can also happen when you color outside the lines. And at the end of the day this is one of the basic challenges of life. How much do we conform to what is expected of us, and how do we establish our own imprint, our own identity in a world that expects us to stay inside the lines? Besides, who decided where all those lines should be drawn in the first place?
These thoughts came about because I was thinking that I would like to share more of my stories and poetry, my creative writing. At first I thought maybe I would spend the next week putting a story a day on my site. Then I thought maybe I should actually create some kind of structure to my blog entries, with a different theme for each day of the week. Monday would become Short Story Monday. I started making boxes with lines.
Next I was laying out other theme days, from political musings to movie reviews, recommended readings and various recurring themes. Yes, I would leave a slot for Hodge Podge, the swirling miscellaneous fountain of froth and foam that occasionally emerges without notice.

And so, if there appears to be no rhyme or reason to a day’s entry, so be it. For sure, I have high standards for this blogspot. Aesthetically pleasing is one goal. Creative expression another. Literary quality is a third. Mentally stimulating. Hopefully.
Perhaps it’s when we color outside the lines that we begin finally to find who we really are. Parents, teachers and other authority figures had designs for us based not on who we were as individuals, but on what they thought was best for us from the standpoint of adults who had lived a little. These expectations did not always take into consideration our own varied temperaments, talents, interests.
For this reason, the primary aim for all young people is to know themselves, to know who they are and what they are interested in for themselves. You want a career that dovetails with your strengths and interests, not somebody else’s expectations.
Whoever you are, wherever you may be, don’t be afraid to color outside the lines. You may even want to get rid of the lines altogether. See what happens. At the end of the day, remember what you’ve learned and build on it.
Its funny how things line up in life…yesterday I wrote a post on my blog about how we stifle our imaginations. This morning I found myself in a heated discussion in a board meeting where the reluctance to think outside the box was supported by” but that’s industry standard”. A few hours later as I was swimming I was thinking about the dialogue and thinking about how we (society) continue to breed that mentality …how very young ages kids learn that with conformity comes praise and the kiss of social death is to stand out. Unfortunately this mentality is cultivated through out our lives and as shocking as it is …as I witness today …being well educated and fairly intelligent does not always immunizes one. . …So (a bit long winded)…. as I swam I mentally wrote my post and concluded the title would be “Coloring Outside the Lines”.
Well prior to beginning to write tonight, I wanted to check a question I had posted on Help Group...there someone had …responded...and their response made me curious about their blog so I checked it out …liked what I read so went to add a comment…..first I read other comments ….yours …it prompted me to check out your blog…and what did I find “Coloring Outside the Lines”. So...I like your ideas…your writing…and now I don’t have to write “Coloring Outside the Lines” Thank you!! Suzi
Yes, it is very interesting how life creates these synchronized events sometimes.
Thanks for your visit and comments. It's almost uncanny that you actually had the same title for your thoughts / notes / post.
May your next swim be equally profitable.
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