There are people who would suggest that art should be evaluated on its own merits apart from the artist. Yet strangely enough I know that as a reader I am engaging a mind when I read a piece of writing. A story, article or book is like a window that reveals the person, though it's possible the person prefers hiding and concealing by means of their stories. Usually, though, we're looking to encounter the person, making a connection through their ideas expressed in words. Mark Twain and G.K. Chesterton may be long gone, but we know them and engage their thinking processes by means of their written legacy.
Your homework assignment this month will be to pay attention to the artwork you see in various galleries and public space, and see what it says about the artists who produced it. Notice how their minds made decisions as they created their work. Pay attention to the names of the pieces, too. Don't Think about what they were striving for, and what they are revealing about themselves. It's a game you can play.
Primary sources for this material come from people who sent me notifications and from Zentangled Esther Piszczek, whose new book just came out: Patterned Peace - Original hand-drawn artwork ready to color (A Stress Break Coloring Book)
Duluth Quantum Computing Project: Storytelling in a Digital Age
This looks pretty awesome. It's a free eight-week workshop by Artist Kathy McTavish and the DAI to examine digital-based art. The project will focus on digital-based art throughout the months of August and September 2016. The public is invited to come to one or all of the sessions, and no previous knowledge is required. Sessions will take place Thursdays from 3-9 p.m.; Fridays from 12-6 p.m.; and Saturdays from 3-9 p.m. at 3 West Superior Street. Each week will focus on a different area of digital-based art, exploring the poetics of code and the rich landscape offered by networks, hypermedia navigation, geo-locative storytelling, generative algorithms, and community authorship. The experience will culminate in a collaborative installation in the 3 West Superior Street downtown storefront, with a companion website and discussion. The activity is made possible in part by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Arrowhead Regional Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.
On the Rocks Art Studio has classes for young and old alike. They're located in Canal Park if you've not yet been. You can learn more here.
Effervescent local artist Erika Mock produces "textiles for body and soul." Her wearable designs light up a room because they light up your spirit. For inspirational ideas about clothing and her August/September schedule, visit this page.
A weekend of Art in Bayfront Park, an annual art fair that draws artists from a broad spectrum of disciplines as well as long distances, will be here August 18-21.
The Belknap Art Market will be alive with sunny skies this Saturday. Evidently they'll be moving some of what's inside out. If you're out and around Superior, drop by the Belknap Plaza to welcome Bitty Babes Bows to their fun little open air marketplace.
Their announcement states that they'll have "artful items from Rachel's Distinctive Decor, hand-crafted western red cedar Furniture and other Yard, Garden, & Home Stuff from Grandpa's Workshop, Skin Soothing Specialties from Paula's Potions, a fine selection of Hand-Crafted Jewelry from JLG Designs, and assorted Jams, Jewelry, Sundries and Suncatchers. Oh yes, and don't forget the cute crafties and Watkins Spices from our Watkins Home Products Vendor." Gorgeous weather is also being dialed in.
And while you're there check out the art on display inside, which includes a section of Zentangle-inspired art by Esther P. and a number of piece by yours truly.
Also in Superior:

Drawings and paintings by Adam Frankiewicz & Amy Wilson
North End Arts Gallery
1323 Broadway, 2nd Floor, Red Mug Building
Corner of Hammond & Broadway, Superior
Gallery Hours: Thurs-Sat. Noon to 6 p.m.
The Tall Ships are coming to Duluth August 18th through the 21st. Just so ya know.
Also check out 400 Paintings. Read the interview with AJ and learn the backstory and details about AJ Atwater's online exhibition. Mark you calendar for August 12-21.
Art Receptions (arranged chronologically courtesy Esther P.)
Thursday, August 4, 8-9 p.m.
Jamie Harper, "Salvaged Medium", Pizza Luce, 11 East Superior Street. Winona based painter Jamie Harper's show consists of over 40 paintings using latex house paint on hollow core doors with Northwoods' themes.
Note: Music at 9 p.m. with $5 cover: Black River Revue, Feeding Leroy, Charlie Parr
Saturday, August 13, 7 p.m.
Lydia Walker, Studio 15, 15 N. 3rd Avenue W. "This will also be the closing party for Studio 15. There will be food, refreshments, and music." Art That Stimulates The Mind, by Teri Cadeau, Duluth Budgeteer News, Feb. 20, 2015 at 12:29 p.m. (article about Lydia Walker and Studio 15)
Beaner's Central, 324 N. Central Avenue, Artist Jamie Burwell. Show runs through August.
Red Mug, 916 Hammond Avenue, Superior, Superior High School Youth Art Show The show, which is also a blind raffle art fundraiser, consists of 8"x8" pieces of art created by local youth, alumni and local professional artists. $20 buys a number that is secretly linked to one of the 8"x 8" pieces of art. Numbers are revealed at the end of August when art will be available for pick up. All proceeds go to Superior High School Art Program.
Show runs through August. Read Take a Gamble, Fund a Field Trip, by Maria Lockwood, Superior Telegram.
Zeitgeist Arts Cafe, 222 E. Superior Street, Arna Rennan, "plein aire" painter. Show runs through August.
ART FAIRS and Other Happenings
As noted yesterday, tonight the Free Range Film Festival kicks off at the barn in Wrenshall. Christa Lawler's story in the Trib this a.m. includes a photo of the place so you'll know what you're looking for if you've never been.
Saturday, August 13, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Lakeside Lester Park Community Center, 106 N. 54th Avenue E, Nice Girls of the North 2nd Saturday Marketplace, "Free coffee, cookies, and a friendly atmosphere await while you browse a collection of handcrafted clothing and bags, pottery, jewelry, stained glass, photography, personal care products, baby items and much more."
While you're out that direction you might as well stop by the new Lakeside Gallery a few blocks west.
Sunday, August 28, 2-6 p.m., Hillfest, intersection of 6th Avenue E. and 4th Street (near the Whole Foods Coop) Vendors, games, food. A free family event.
If you're new to Duluth, you might not be aware that we have a summer movie night at Leif Erickson Park. Here's the August schedule for Movies in the Park.
Zentangle Pattern Drawing Classes with Esther Piszczek, CZT
Zentangle (R) Pattern Drawing
Saturday, August 6, 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m.; Vaughn Public Library, 502 W. Main Street, Ashland, WI; Classes are Free, but limited to 15 students. Call 715-682-7060 to register.
Zentangle (R) kits will be available for sale, $10. (This class is FULL, however Esther might be invited back to teach in the Fall, so if you are interested, call to get on the waiting list!)
Teen Art Mini-Camp: z e n t a n g l e (R) Pattern Drawing at Duluth Art Institute (Ages 10-17) Monday – Friday, August 8-12, 12-2 p.m., Duluth Depot, 506 W. Michigan Street, Duluth; $90 ($110 non-members). Register by calling (218) 733-7560.
Looking ahead: Lake Superior 20/20, Friday-Sunday, September 23-25, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Esther will be at the Larsmont Schoolhouse, 701 Larsmont Rd., Two Harbors with at least 3 other talented local artists, 20 artists in 20 miles. In conjunction with the natural beauty of the fabulous fall colors as our season begins to change.
AND DON'T MISS Esther Piszczek's film Life & Art Entangled, screening at Teatro Zuccone, Monday 5:30-6:30 p.m. followed by an art opening in the Atrium from 6:30 till 8:30.
* * * *
I'm sure we've missed something here...
Meantime, art goes on all around you. Do it. Get into it. Enjoy it.
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