Saturday, January 11, 2025

Night of the Restless Moon (A Poem)

Night of the Restless Moon

Beneath the night's unquiet sky

The moon will dance, it will not lie.

A restless orb in silver hue,

It chases stars, the night anew.

It wanders far from where it's placed,

A nomad of the cosmic waste,

Its light, a beacon for the lost,

Guides whispers through late evening's frost.

The sea responds with ceaseless waves,

To moon's erratic, wandering crave.

Tides rise in rhythm to its beat,

A dance of water, sand, and fleet.

O'er fields, it casts a silver glow,

Where shadows stretch and secrets grow.

The night, it seems, can never sleep,

As moon in vigilance does keep.

For lovers, poets, and the lone,

It hangs, a symbol, brightly shown.

A thousand tales it does inspire,

With every phase, a new desire.

Yet, in its restlessness, there's peace,

A tranquil turmoil, a sweet release.

For in this night of endless roam,

We find ourselves, we find our home.

The moon, it moves, but so do we,

In life's vast, mysterious sea.

Under the night of restless moon,

We're all just wanderers, all too soon.

Photo credit: the author

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