"The race is not always to the swift or the battle to the strong... but time and chance happen to them all." ~ Ecclesiastes 9:11
Today is Friday the 13th, so I thought a few observations about luck were in order, since for many thirteen is an unlucky number. In fact, in 1911, psychologists came up with a name for this fear of thirteen: Triskaidekaphobia. Friday the 13th has been considered unlucky since the 1800s and many buildings have no thirteenth floor because of this irrational anxiety.
It is interesting that the central theme of Woody Allen's 2005 film Match Point centers on the theme of luck, so much so that for the lead character Chris Wilton it is his life theme. Ironically, when Wilton says in the film, "I'd rather be lucky than good," I assumed it was a line written by Mr. Allen, the screenwriter/director. But while doing a search, I see that this quote's source was the Hall of Fame pitcher Lefty Gomez. Allen made it fit so well into the fabric of this film, however. Does this mean no attribution was necessary in that context? Or was Mr. Allen lucky no one noticed?
Thirteen has a positive place in history as well. There were thirteen original colonies and thus the first U.S. flag had thirteen stars and stripes.
Well, getting back to the "lucky or good" notion... Is it really better to be lucky? When we give too much power to luck, are we not saying that we have no power in ourselves? It is realistic to make the acknowledgement to forces outside one's control, as Napoleon did, but even the greatest generals recognize that their troops must be ready for combat and sufficiently armed, and that a strategic plan is required, as opposed to haphazard chaos.

How do you feel about luck? Do you feel lucky? And while you're waiting for your ship to come in, what are you doing in the meantime? Are you preparing yourself so as to be worthy when you see the sails approaching your little piece of shoreline? I hope so.
For what it's worth, don't break a mirror today.
1 comment:
Hi E!
Happy Friday the 13th! Always a great day for me . . . I think we make our own luck starting with our attitude each day. Sometimes, though, when it is least expected, something really good happens with no explanation. I just try to enjoy . . . Have a great weekend!
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