You may know that I have been a lifelong Cleveland Browns fan, but frankly, the Browns have been so disappointing that for the first time in my life I have chosen to switch allegiances and follow, yes, the Vikes who have always been fun to watch anyways.
I remember well the old-time Bud Grant Vikings who played outside in weather that even penguins would be unhappy about. Living in Minnesota I can't imagine playing football in twenty below weather, let alone sitting in the stands.

Tonight, the adrenaline is high both on the field and off as these two very serious rivals mix it up, producing high drama at its finest.
Bingo! And he scores. Favre's sixth TD toss of the season, five for five on the drive. Vikings are first to put up the points and looking strong.
I'm sure the Packers will keep it interesting... and sure enough the Green & Gold are already right back in it. 62 yards pitch and run to Finley. It will be an interesting game. Don't touch that dial!
Sample discussion from Twitter regarding the game... middle of 4th quarter.
erg79: Have you heard? Brett Favre loves playing the game and just has fun out there. Just in case you haven't heard that by now.
half a minute ago from Twitterrific
deardespot: Hey #ESPN Why don't you and Brett Favre just make out already.
half a minute ago from web
andygreenwald: Apparently someone named "Brett Favre" is having "fun" playing football tonight. Sounds like a great guy!
half a minute ago from web
Anneemk: All I can say is with Brett Favre the Vikings my be unbeatable. I hate Ted Thompson! #Packers
half a minute ago from web
MartyMcKee: Call it love of the game, call it anything you want. I call it Brett Favre. Good grief, ESPN.
half a minute ago from Ping.fm
millslite: Yeah, I am pretty much $hit-faced playing the "Everytime Mike Tirico says Brett Favre" drinking game
half a minute ago from TweetDeck
Fox1073: The Packers-Vikings game is turning into a very ugly prison shower scene and Brett Favre is the evil warden. Parents, put the kids to bed.
half a minute ago from txt
mslepp: Did ya hear? Brett Favre loves football and plays with a lot of passion.
half a minute ago from TwitterBerry
jdsteves: Brett Favre is having so much fun out there! Look how much fun he's having! I think he just broke the record for having the most fun ever!
half a minute ago from web
kyle_mccall: "I feel like Brett Favre.....an old man trying to pass footballs." -- Larry the press guy
half a minute ago from TweetDeck
ICYUNVA: RT @yagyrlr: Who is Brett Favre!? Come on he been famous like 17yrs!
half a minute ago from UberTwitter
whatman75: If you don't LOVE Brett Favre, you don't even LIKE football
half a minute ago from Tweetie
asherdiamonds: If the Vikings win this game they're renaming football to "Brett Favre".
less than a minute ago from Echofon
daverendall: I see that "Farve" is a popular topic tonight. Apparently it's a popular topic with people that don't know how to spell Brett Favre's name.
less than a minute ago from web
ajausan: #Favre is picking his nose intheend zone. He might be wearing purple...but he's still digging for gold.
less than a minute ago from Tweetie
theferl: vikings are proving that they are the better team. unfortunately, with brett favre.
less than a minute ago from web
mattortega: Wow - we traded John Madden's man-crush on Brett Favre for Turico/Gruden/Jaws lovefest. Stop it.
less than a minute ago from TweetDeck
less than a minute ago from TweetDeck
Tarpo: So is it Vikings vs Packers.. or ESPN Presents "Lets Blow Brett Favre from the announce booth"
less than a minute ago from TweetDeck
thewarriorpoets: I just want to be the Brett Favre of Law Enforcement. That's all.
fun article about the Duluth News Tribunes response (and helpful hype building) to last night's game... from yesterday.
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