Saturday, April 1, 2023

Movie Flops: What's Wrong With This Picture?

I asked Bard, the new AI bot from Google, the name the five movies that lost the most money in history. The answer I received was quite hilarious. See if you can tell what's wrong with this answer.


Here are 5 movies that have lost the most money in history:

  1. John Carter (2012): $200 million
  2. Battlefield Earth (2000): $150 million
  3. The Lone Ranger (2013): $190 million
  4. John Carter (2012): $200 million
  5. The Mummy (2017): $95 million

Please note that these are just a few examples of movies that have lost a lot of money. There are many other movies that have experienced similar losses, and it is impossible to say for sure whether or not these movies will ever make their money back.

* * *

Well, they've warned us not to trust everything you read. It looks like Bard needs a little fine tuning. And no, this is not an April Fool's joke.

Speaking of jokes, I hear that Duluth is going to have a little spring-like weather for a couple days. Don't get too excited. Later this week we're also being told that another 10-inch snow-dump is coming. Alas...

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