Over the past few years octogenarian Robert "Nevada Bob" Gordon has made 7 trips to Nashville to record covers and original songs in that inimitable Country style. During one of his trips his path crossed with "America's Photographer" Gary Firstenberg, whose images grace the sleeves Nevada Bob's music is housed in, plus the cover photos for his memoir 50 Years with the Wrong Woman.
During these past two years the two have also shared a couple of extended road trips, visiting points of interest while passing through 47 of the 48 continental United States together.
While homeward bound last week, Nevada Bob checked in to a hospital in Denver. His heart had an irregular heartbeat and the early diagnosis was congestive heart failure. It seemed he would be back on the road after a weekend of observation, but is still there "on hold" till his oxygen levels stabilize.
Here are a few Colorado snapshots, courtesy Gary Firstenberg.

What I remember from numerous business trips to Denver is that there is a lot of wonderful public art, especially sculptures. From first to last, my visits to Colorado were all good.
Here's Nevada Bob getting ready to order Beef Wellington,
au gratin potatoes, lima beans and Baked Alaska.
Leave a comment for Bob and I will pass it along for you. Or
contact me some other way. He's looking forward to getting home
but would enjoy hearing from you.
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Come Along and Ride Nevada Bob Gordon's Long Train to Nowhere
Navada Bob: Your adventures and talents are amazing! Wishing you a speedy recovery, so you can back home to all the work you love! We wish you the best, always! Abby and Leon Merker in Denver
Sending Nevada Bob a quick healing and everyone a safe trip home!
It was relieving to hear your cheerful voice in good spirits last evening via telephone and am blessed to have met you on your travels with Gary. I'm certainly enjoying each nostalgic song on your new CD, and it makes me smile to think of you singing some of them to your lifelong sweetheart, your dear beloved wife and the mother of your children (minus the "One Beer Away" tune, perhaps). Your wife required no "beer goggles." I was lucky enough to get an in-person sampling of that one, however! You have a lot to be proud of with your book and CD releases. Congratulations! Godspeed and Get well! --Melissa
Best wishes for your recovery. It takes a strong heart to drive that strong voice of yours. Also a few beers don’t hurt! I’ve enjoyed spending time with you on your road trip with Gary Firstenburg and look forward to your next visit. Greg Lehne
You look great even in the hospital Bob! You dont look a day over 82. Looking forward to your next CD. Let us know the next time you will be in Nashville. We would love to come and hear you sing.
Nevada Bob, I was saddened to hear of your recent hospitalization. Hope that you really enjoyed your company down in Hollywood FL. Wishing you to feel better soon! Hope you're back to singing in no time. Your friend, John
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