Monday, July 22, 2024

Biden Announcement Re-Affirms the Influence of X

I believe it was an article in Politico that nudged me to take an interest in Twitter. This was early 2008 I believe. The article pointed out how journalists were using the social media platform to see what was happening and what's trending. It wasn't long before Twitter became my "go to" for following global events.

The terrorist assaults in Mumbai during Thanksgiving weekend later that year demonstrated the power of this new medium. As the horror unfolded people were Tweeting their S.O.S. distress signals to the world,

The power of Twitter and Facebook for disruption has been extensive as well. The two social media cites have been used to organize protests, spread information and to mobilize coups, overthrowing the leaders of Tunisia, Egypt and Libya.

During covid, Bob Dylan released "Murder Most Foul," from his epic Rough and Rowdy Ways, Dylan's first album of original songs in eight years. The midnight tweet reverberated around the world. A week later he followed up with "I Contain Multitudes."

And so it is that big news can break without leaning on traditional media. While yesterday's tweet by Joe Biden surprised many, utilizing the platform X to announce his stepping down from pursuing a second term, it was not without precedent.

If you're a writer and are not part of the X, formerly Twitter, community... what are you waiting for?

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