Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Nothingness, Revisited (A Poem)

Nothingness 2.0

In the hush between breaths,
where silence swells like a forgotten wave,
I find the edge of nothingness—
a place where thoughts dissolve
like salt in a sea too deep to name.

Here, time surrenders its grip,
melting clocks into pools of soft gold,
and the weight of existence
slips through fingers,
no more tangible than a whisper
caught in a dream.

It is neither dark nor light,
neither void nor vast,
but a space between spaces,
where meaning goes to rest,
unburdened by the need to be.

Walking the line of this emptiness,
barefoot on the threshold of what is
and what is not,
each step becomes a question
that neither seeks nor finds
its answer.

In the nothing, I am all—
and nothing still.
The world fades to a hum,
a distant echo of itself,
and in that quiet,
I am free.

* * * 

How does it feel?

Collaboration between Ennyman and ChatGPT, August 2024

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