Friday, August 2, 2024

An Important Conversation about Global Energy

“Energy won’t end poverty, but you can’t end poverty without energy.”
--Scott Tinker

This past winter while working on an article for Business North (titled Is Our Energy Grid At Risk?) I stumbled across this talk which I conisdered so imortant that I felt compelled to share it. It is titled An Honest & Sensible Conversation about Global Energy by Scott Tinker

What does the future look like for those opposed to nuclear energy? 
What I've learned in reading and talking with people about these matters is that most people take it all for granted. In America, energy is not "top of mind" as a major concern. 

It's become apparent that in this year's election cycle many people are motivated by fear. For many, their perceptions are driven by news media and online social platforms. On the list of top fears we see cyber-terrorism, gun violence, crime, financial instability, personal health issues, environmental pollution, World War, identity theft, government surveillance, climate change and public speaking. 

On my own personal short list, the collapse of our energy grid is right near the top, which I did not see it on any list. Perhaps it's because most Americans are unaware of the fragility of the grid. And why? In part, because mainstream media has been hyping the bright future of solar and wind, EVs and the end of dependency on fossil fuels.

Whle discussing this issue recently with my brother-in-law, he compared our situation to the same illogical thinking as the folks on the Titanic. "Well no, we don't have enough life boats to accommodate everyone but don't worry, that's in our 10 year plan. By the way, the designers say there isn't room for any more life boats anyways, but don't worry, the engineers say it's unsinkable. Now just take your seat and enjoy the ride. We've got this."

Should we ignore the red flags, or get serious about addressing the need for reliable, affordable and safe energy? 

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Related Links 

Top Issues Americans Are Anxious About

Is Our Energy Grid At Risk? 

Interview with David Watson: Putting Nuclear Power in Perspective

Grid Fragility and a Book by Meredith Angwin

Small Reactors, Big Potential Impact

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