He reasoned thus. If one were to write for ten hours a week, then over the course of four weeks it would be equivalent to a forty hour work week. In four months it would be the equivalent of a full month and by year's end it would amount to the same as having been a full time writer for three full months. "If you can't make progress in your writing career by working full time at it for three months, then you might wish to consider doing something else with you life," he said in effect.
I took this advice to heart. One night a week our young children went to the in-laws while my wife Susie went grocery shopping. The other four week nights I put in an hour per evening after the kids were in bed. Saturday mornings, I would knock off another three hours and satisfy my ten hour per week quota.
For each of us, the negotiation of how we spread out these hours may vary, but whatever our aim it takes a commitment and a deliberate managing of one's time. If one is married, then it is important to negotiate a suitable plan one can count on.
Of course this same advice applies to any avocation. Do you wish to build an internet business? Become an entertainer? Build an AMSOIL business? The same time management commitment applies. Ten hours a week eventually adds up. Remember, it's a marathon, not a sprint. Take the first step, and keep on walking. You might be amazed at where it takes you.
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