In case you're wondering, FDR's relationship to Uncle Teddy was as a fifth cousin. Eleanor, Teddy's niece, was likewise FDR's fifth cousin. The Roosevelt's were deeply rooted in early America (1600's) and were in that wealthy strata which most people only dream about. FDR's strings to power are many, including being coat tail relations to John Quincy Adams, Martin Van Buren, Millard Filmore (seventh cousin once removed), Rutherford B. Hayes, Grover Cleveland and William Taft. I guess you might say it's "all in the family."
I did learn some other details about FDR of which I was unaware or had forgotten. In particular, I didn't realize that he got polio as a young adult, after a swim. I guess we've grown up in a half-century of polio-free living, so we know little about this terrible disease. I always assumed, and I do not know where I got this notion from, that you caught the disease as an infant or something like that. For FDR there's no doubt it was a setback, but it's a mark of his great ambition and fortitude that he didn't cave in and call it quits at that point, or lower his aims.
It would be easy to imagine him drawing on this experience in later life, especially with unexpected setbacks like the sudden and devastating attack on Pearl Harbor, or the discovery that Hitler was working on The Bomb.
The most interesting aspect of the book was how swiftly it moved along the mile markers of his life. While reading, I thought at first that this rapid summary was all preface to the real in depth story that would follow. But once past an event, the author never looked back. About halfway through I realized that this was the style of the book, and that I was no longer reading the preface. (You know how they sometimes summarize the story as an intro and then rehash it all in greater detail afterwards.)
The book avoided anything that might offend either fan or foe of the four term president. It mentions, for example, his stacking of the Supreme Court as a fact much like the length of his hair or the state he was from.
In one section they mentioned how he placed boards in front of the presidential desk in the Oval Office to hide his leg braces, referencing his efforts to keep up appearances. This brought to mind a 1932 booklet I once read by some Harvard scholar that said that in America you can not hope to be elected unless you said you believed in God and were a Christian. In other words, ambitious politicians whose personal philosophy was Machiavellian would be required to set that on a shelf when wearing their public persona. Eventually, this awareness of the facade by the general public helped foster a general cynicism in the Boomer generation, which is even more deep-seated today.

On my wall here is a little saying by Bruce Barton which I have quoted before, but it's appropriate enough to repeat: "Sometimes when I consider what tremendous consequences come from little things... I am tempted to think there are no little things."
Wow, I hadn't noticed that passage on the whaleback sign, up to now. Amazing story. I highly recommend the PBS "American Experience" documentary on FDR, they devote a substantial amount of time to explaining how FDR tried to centralize an amazing amount of power at the White House level, but was only able to partially fulfill his plans due to the fight put up by the two other government branches. FDR was a great man, but he was a man of his time, meaning that for him "centralized power was good power." Fortunately for this country, the American Constitution proved to be stronger than his personal charisma.
I will see if I can find that PBS documentary for sure...
Thanks for the recommendation and the visit.
Hasta la vista
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