I met Sandi through social media and invited her to contribute to our Red Interactive project when I saw how much she loves that vibrant expressive color.
Ennyman: What do you consider your most significant achievements?
Sandi Harrold: I received a lovely letter from a mother who had purchased one of my paintings for her daughter suffering from depression, telling me how she was sure the painting had helped in her daughter’s recovery. I have donated paintings to the Cerebral Palsy League, and several other charities, for auction.

Sandi: I really don’t like or dislike any particular artist. I love bright happy paintings. I don’t stop and gaze at sad dreary paintings – I’m definitely not a ‘sophisticated’ art critique – I like what I like and that’s that!
Enny: Who most influenced you when you were young?
Sandi: My beautiful Grandma Zara was my greatest ally. We’d sit on her window seat and she would paint the most delicate little birds for me with her tiny set of water color paints.

Sandi: I am continuing to dream up ideas for paintings. I love to create paintings whereby the viewer can look at the painting, have a laugh, and create their own story and attach it to the painting. I am used to making up happy stories to tell the kindergarten children in my care, or my own children when they were younger, so new, and crazy, ideas comes naturally!
I just finished painting my dog Jack climbing up a ladder to chat with three giraffes!
Eyes are my big ‘thing’. Everything has to have big eyes – the windows to the Soul.
Enny: Any suggestions for emerging artists?
Sandi: I’ve only been painting for the last 4 years. My style is my own. I don’t mind that some people find it lacks technique, or that it’s too light-hearted. I tried having art lessons once, and paid a small fortune, to learn how to use art products. I stopped going after the fourth week as the teacher kept scoffing at my work and asking, “What exactly are you trying to achieve here? The eyes are too big... blah blah” – I really wanted to tell this guy that I’ve sold close to 400 paintings in these four years – but I decided I didn’t need his negative energy, so I left to continue to do my own thing.
I wash off or paint over some paintings, because if they’re not making me smile, they don’t last!

Enny: What's the best way to see more of your work?
Sandi: I have a web site – www.sandiharrold.com.au. I welcome feedback and any suggestions or good ideas for paintings are always welcomed. xx
I love what you wrote and this is a wonderful interview. Great questions and great answers:D
The link to the website is not working. Try putting the http:// in front of the link:)
Going over to check out your work now:D
Thanks for the visit, Liza, and also for the comment about the link. Turns out it was a bit of bad html.
Best to you. I love your painting called Floating.
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